AndrewD[HoMe Moderator]
Other Steampunk designs …
Jul 28, 2009,05:23 AM
… to focus your thoughts.
Computer by Jake vonSlott
Keyboard Credit: Gruntzooki
Computer mouse Credit: Geekologie
Watch by Olga Narozhna
StarWars Credit: Sillof
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Steampunk watches
By: AndrewD : July 28th, 2009-03:02
This post is inspired by Ed Tonkin’s recent acquisition of an Antiqua . Steampunk is a design movement that has been described as ‘retro-futurism’. It fuses modern items with a Victorian steam power aesthetic then adds a sprinkling of Japanese anime and s...
Andrew, does that mean that...
By: G99 : July 29th, 2009-01:36
Andrew, does that mean that when they finally start sending the Cabestan out to customers which i dont believe has happened yet, and we both win the lottery, they will have sold 2? i dont really consider them 'steampunk' i think they are just an original ...
Romain Jerome …
By: AndrewD : July 28th, 2009-16:31
Hi Nicolas, Several of the Romain Jerome designs carry the steampunk aesthetic as well as a few other aesthetics that I am less enamoured with. Certainly very confronting and polarising watches and you are correct that horology needs that. Here are a coup...
i think the RJ cabestan...
By: G99 : July 29th, 2009-01:26
i think the RJ cabestan is an insult to the Cabestan concept. who wants a rusty one ? i'm not a fan of the Titanic metal usage. i think its cleverer that they use some of the coal from the sea bottom to fabricate the dials, but overall i think there is a ...
Big Fan of the Genre
By: SALMANPK : July 28th, 2009-06:18
I love steampunk inspired watches and Vianney Halter's pieces are some of the best out there, I really do believe the romanticism of the old world combined with imagination derived steam driven technological marvels have an emotional human response to wha...
F. P. Journe …
By: AndrewD : July 28th, 2009-17:15
Hi Salman, I partially agree with you about some of the Journe pieces although I see more 'Victorian steam' than I do 'punk' in the designs and colour combinations. The prototype tourbillon is probably the closest to 'steampunk' in his work. Some images c...
Right out of Jules Verne!
By: mrsnak : July 28th, 2009-09:06
BTW- Ha anyone been catching the new SyFy series, "Warehouse 13"? They did all the computer equipment in the officer in cool steampunk, with the story that most everything had been designed in the late 19th Century (by Edison and Tesla). Keyboards have ty...
Thanks Snak ...
By: AndrewD : July 28th, 2009-17:30
Sounds interesting. I will keep an eye open for “Warehouse 13”. Apart from “Steamboy” that Salman referenced, can you think of others? I can’t recall any TV series, but there are several movies that come to mind: “Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow” ha...
By: BDLJ : July 28th, 2009-20:24
The steampunk aesthetic is to apply faux-Victorian era technology to modern appliances. Clockwork computers, Steam powered aeroplanes, etc. To apply this to mechanical wristwatches? Amusing, and a little backwards. Still, aesthetically, they free up the d...
Thanks Andrew D...
By: Rob : July 28th, 2009-22:42
for actually defining what steam punk is. I have seen this word lots of times being bandied around and I guess I just realized after reading your great post that I am a fan of such movement! I figure that they will remain timeless. Why? For me at least, i...
Actually I feel the same …
By: AndrewD : July 29th, 2009-01:57
… and it is partly why I enjoyed seeing Ed’s Antiqua so much again. It’s always been a special watch, but doesn’t receive an airing very frequently and I got that old ‘tingle’ back viewing it again. The same for the VH Trio. Pleased you enjoyed the post, ...
Interestingly enough...
By: Rob : July 29th, 2009-15:15
I agree with you that the Antiqua as well as the VH Trio don't receive as much airings as much as we seem to both hope. What is nice is that these few sightings still stir up that old "tingle" in me as well. Indeed, a MUCH enjoyed post, superbly written o...
Love the lamp ...
By: AndrewD : November 5th, 2009-11:54
Thanks Speedster, I love the lamp and I agree with the Sarpaneva suggestion. For future reference, although we cannot link to most outside websites from PPro, I don't believe the Moderators get too concerned about us mentioning names of designers, compani...
By: speedster : November 5th, 2009-12:46
Well the name of the maker is in the alternate text for the picture. I think there are 12 quite different lamps in the selection. And they seem to be EXTREMELY well made. I just wish I had seen them live.