Cost breakdown?

Oct 24, 2009,01:15 AM

Hello Avimd,
Am really sorry to hear about your watch; these things are extremely aggravating indeed and (as a fellow collector) I understand your feelings completely!

I have sent you a private message to contact me so I can get a better idea about what is exactly going on, and I will do my best to assist you in this matter.

I would like however to point out that it is impossible to refresh a case without taking the glasses out. Replacing the glasses in and out requires new gaskets, and a new series of 2 staged waterproofing tests. Exceptions to this might be a minor scratch at the edges of the bezel or such places. But as soon as the front section is scratched to the point of needing re-polishing, the glass has to come out, and this is true of many watches indeed. RM cases, with their curves, polished and matt surfaces are amongst the most complicated of their kind in the market, and I can tell you that re-polishing them is pretty costly to begin with.

Regarding case screws: the vast majority of parts for RM are only made for his watches; this means that there are no jewelers/watchmakers around with materials for such work except RM authorized dealers. So even if you open it, it is not going to help much. I understand this may seem an irritation, but there are a number of exclusive brands that have exactly the same system in place. I suspect that it is very much the same with Ferrari's; I doubt a Ford dealer is going to have replacement parts for any Ferrari engine block in their shelves...

As the movement was indeed switched out, then there is a guarantee period for the movement that ensues afterwards, so I also don't understand what is going on exactly here.

I also have no idea what the retailer has marked up, the original costs, shipping, etc. so I can't really react fully to your situation.

Be that as it may, if you can contact me you will be sure I will follow up and get to the bottom of the situation for you.
Theodore Diehl
Richard Mille Watches

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Richard Mille Repair Sticker Shock!!!!

 By: Avimd : October 22nd, 2009-16:36
I have an RM 005 Ti - which I bought from the east coast rep - which is out of warranty. Initially i wore it a lot, and had timekeeping issues which resulted in the Company changing out the movement. As I am an avid collector and have many watches - I bar... 

Tell the people who sold it to you that they are going to regret it.

 By: Josephlemma : October 22nd, 2009-22:19
That is highway robbery alright Tell them that there is nothing worse for a company's reputation than a client who has been treated like lcrap. Those clients will no longer buy from the same people and their opinion will affect prospective buyers with who... 

Does the cost involve a new movment?

 By: nwk00 : October 23rd, 2009-02:25
From your post it sounds like your watch is running slow. Shouldn't be since you mentioned the movement has been replaced before. Actually $2600 is not really that high if you breakdown what the service entails. 1) Replacing crystals and strap is going to... 

Sticker Shock

 By: Avimd : October 23rd, 2009-04:21
I will ask the dealer. They told me they took off their profit to satisfy my outrage. All I want is for the watch to keep time. It doesn't need refinishing, a new band or crystals. I will let you know.

Hello Avimd

 By: Theodore : October 23rd, 2009-13:24
Please contact me via private mail so that we can get to the bottom of the situation with your watch. I am here to help. Kind regards, Theodore

Cost breakdown?

 By: Theodore : October 24th, 2009-01:15
Hello Avimd, Am really sorry to hear about your watch; these things are extremely aggravating indeed and (as a fellow collector) I understand your feelings completely! I have sent you a private message to contact me so I can get a better idea about what i... 

Thanks Theodore for helping out here. I have been out of

 By: 219 : October 24th, 2009-05:57
'radar' range for the past couple of days. Avimd - I am truly sorry to hear of the sticker shock for the repair on the RM005. I find it hard to believe given what you have described here. I also feel that Theodore is in the best position to deal with this...