Zenith Titanium Chronomaster Sport

Feb 08, 2024,16:30 PM

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Yes, I like that!

 By: cazalea : February 8th, 2024-16:55
If I have already owned 2 El Primeros does that mean I shouldn't get this one?

Wow. Hmmmm…Not bad at all!

 By: ChristianDK : February 8th, 2024-17:02
The date bother s me but the case and pushers are quite nice.

a bit of a yawn on my side

 By: VinnieD : February 8th, 2024-17:06
really nothing special and legibility does not seem great... strong Daytona smell too

Titanium is great!

 By: Brandon Skinner : February 8th, 2024-17:16
I think waiting for further dial variants might be wise but in general this is a great step forward


 By: India Whiskey Charlie : February 8th, 2024-19:56
The original white and black dials were okay but this one is an improvement over those. If only Zenith gets rid of that silly date at 4:30...🙄


 By: blau : February 8th, 2024-17:25
I love them doing this watch in titanium, that was absolutely the right way to go, great move on Zenith's part! At the same time I'm totally indifferent to this watch stylistically, so the ways in which they're making good moves with it don't matter to me... 

Not bad at all😁

 By: hora12reborn : February 8th, 2024-18:07

I just bought an EP Chronomaster Sport but I could make room for this also

 By: ifraher : February 8th, 2024-22:43
Absolutely love the tonal treatment here, feels very industrial. I don't think the steel version is particularly heavy so this must be featherweight. A winner for me.

Not for me…

 By: S F : February 8th, 2024-23:14
Nothing with overlapping sub-dials for me.

I have to agree with Vinnie and amanico. Nothing special to me 2.

 By: MilDiver : February 9th, 2024-06:44
This can hardly serve as a substitute for a Daytona if you want a low-key watch when traveling (to London for example) as the avg. thief will treat you as a Daytona owner...

Do you have a photo?

 By: amanico : February 9th, 2024-09:51

This one

 By: nasseriq : February 9th, 2024-22:02

Aaaargh this date!!!

 By: amanico : February 10th, 2024-03:10


 By: MCG (Markus) : February 9th, 2024-08:04

I'm late to the party but...

 By: fmc000 : February 9th, 2024-08:31
... yes, pretty boring for me too. I like their colorful offers a lot more.

I like it, thinking that it could be a very practical watch on for sport-ish activities with the rubber strap

 By: 1WatchMan : February 9th, 2024-10:13
It could be a fantastic ski watch! I want to see it in the flesh...