Totally !

Sep 17, 2023,20:38 PM

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Walking around Boston

 By: bsandovalb : September 16th, 2023-18:59
With the wife.... time for some Lobster... ...  

Gracias !

 By: bsandovalb : September 16th, 2023-21:36

What a beauty!

 By: KCLQMULKU : September 16th, 2023-19:04


 By: bsandovalb : September 16th, 2023-21:36

Nice Zenith.

 By: RabidManatee : September 16th, 2023-19:17
Have some “lobstah” for me!

Done !

 By: bsandovalb : September 16th, 2023-21:36

Beautiful vintage Zenith.

 By: hora12reborn : September 16th, 2023-19:59

That’s a great Zenith!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : September 16th, 2023-20:23

Gracias,Yacomino !

 By: bsandovalb : September 16th, 2023-21:37

Oh yes !

 By: bsandovalb : September 16th, 2023-21:38
They pair great with any food :-P

Indeed, amigo !

 By: bsandovalb : September 16th, 2023-21:39
It was a must once handling in person... outstaning condition ...  

Hola Orahu

 By: bsandovalb : September 16th, 2023-21:40
Yes !, i visit them at least twice a year... they are fantastic !....

You snatched this one right out from under me!

 By: blau : September 16th, 2023-22:35
(Not quite but I had *definitely* noticed it, and am a regular at EWC!) Wonderful addition, and hope you have fun here!

Small world !

 By: bsandovalb : September 16th, 2023-22:48
I always have fun here in Boston ! ... great city/ people... leaving on Monday and EWCo are outstanding, I flew from Costa Rica just to pick this Zenith !

I like EWC a lot too.

 By: ArmisT : September 17th, 2023-06:06
But generally speaking, do you think their pricing is inflated more than other greys, or are they on par with the market?


 By: ArmisT : September 17th, 2023-15:43

Hola B Sandoval, what a beauty!

 By: renerod : September 17th, 2023-05:32
I hope you enjoyed it a lot with your wife! Best. René

Thanks Leopold

 By: bsandovalb : September 17th, 2023-20:38
It is in outstanding condition indeed and it came with it's original box, which is nice

Muchas gracias !

 By: bsandovalb : September 17th, 2023-18:38
We had a blast !

Totally !

 By: bsandovalb : September 17th, 2023-20:38


 By: bsandovalb : September 30th, 2023-20:13
Thanks, Aperna 👍