Just plain joy

Apr 22, 2024,00:29 AM

how this one wears... For a great week to everyone 🍻

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These Revival series

By: bsandovalb : April 22nd, 2024-14:39
are made exactly like the originals.... a 1 to 1 replica... Zenith did a great job here

pura vida !

By: bsandovalb : April 22nd, 2024-14:51
¨Pura vida¨---- This is an expression we, Costa Rican locals have inprinted in our spirit/culture

I see you took the cool bracelet out

By: Derreck : April 22nd, 2024-07:31
and in with a cooler nato, looking great and original this reference whether on nato or on bracelet.

Bracelet is awesome

By: bsandovalb : April 22nd, 2024-14:53
But I am always changing the look, so I feel like having new watches all the time --without the expense :P jeje

oh yes, cannot go wrong there

By: bsandovalb : April 22nd, 2024-14:55
both very nice.. I sometimes wonder if I should add the A384 or the cover girl... love these cases and how they fit