Tick Talk[Vacheron Moderator]
Ice Ice Baby
Mar 26, 2024,15:51 PM
Somehow the view out our camper window has me channeling the Vanilla Ice lyrics “Ice Ice Baby”. Probably its the surrealistic view across a frozen Beaufort Sea from the Arctic village of Tuktoyaktuk, where we spent the night. Will be returning to Inuvik soon to beat a predicted storm, which can see the road closed for days. Although winter travel in Canada’s North is usually free of summer hordes (tourists and mosquitos), we were surprised by a large tour group that descended on our viewpoint yesterday, seeking the fabled Northern Lights. Apparently a child conceived under the aurora ensures an auspicious future!
Here is a gratuitous wrist shot ;-)
A few more views to share:
The gold rush town of Dawson City Yukon on a sleepy Saturday morning.
Crossing the frozen Peel River by “ice bridge”. Once Spring breakup starts, the road is shut down for months until the ferry boats can navigate.