Enjoying a Freaky (X) kind of day…

Jan 31, 2024,23:28 PM

I know a lot of you here think the X is a fraud, but I still think it’s badass, and far more comfortable to wear. Love the case.

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Great pic

 By: sschew : January 31st, 2024-23:45
It's not a fraud it's cool

This looks freakin great on your wrist!

 By: S F : January 31st, 2024-23:48
It is no “fraud” to me. The Freak X is a superb watch in its own right. It stands out in the crowd and a conversation piece. UN could have just positioned it as a separate line.

Thanks! And I agree

 By: NardinNut : February 4th, 2024-14:36

Big fan

 By: TeutonicCarFan : February 1st, 2024-00:41
Nice theater, good shape. I had one on at ad and we impressed.

Very underrated IMO

 By: m2 : February 1st, 2024-02:14
I agree it's not a "real" freak, but it's still a hell of a lot of watch at the price point, especially 2nd hand. I loved mine while I had it. ...  

That is the argument you usually see online

 By: m2 : February 1st, 2024-04:31
But my thought it...what gets you close in the same range used? A breguet tradition is a little more, and more of a dressy aesthetic.

+1. That's it!

 By: amanico : February 1st, 2024-07:46

The 2nd hand pricing is great deal.

 By: NardinNut : February 4th, 2024-14:37
As is the case with most UNs.

True, even if it...

 By: Ronald Held : February 1st, 2024-16:55
Is Not a freak.


 By: NardinNut : February 4th, 2024-14:38

I like it.

 By: Todd B. : February 1st, 2024-18:38
I actually prefer it with a crown. While people say it’s not a true Freak that okay because, to be honest, I wouldn’t buy the crownless model because that look isn’t for me. My two cents anyways. ...  

I agree.

 By: NardinNut : February 4th, 2024-14:39
I love the original Freak but there are a lot of watches I love in that price range.