Palisades Ablaze

Jan 08, 2025,04:35 AM

Again, and again........ πŸ˜‘

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Sad. The news report I heard

By: Thomas_3 : January 8th, 2025-13:37
last night was that people were literally abandoning their cars in the middle of the roads and running for their lives. Was supposed to worsen overnight last night. Stay safe.

Hey Filip

By: myles721 : January 9th, 2025-11:36
So sorry about all of the misery out there. My sister in law lives in Boulder and went through similar insanity. 🀯

It’s heartbreaking!

By: Centurionone : January 9th, 2025-14:40
L.A. has a very special place in my heart and I feel extremely saddened for all this loss ! Praying the winds will slow down and fire will be contained soon πŸ™πŸ»

Stay safe, Filip.

By: MichaelC : January 10th, 2025-04:53
I was wondering where you are in relation to these fires. We have had devastating fires in Colorado these past years. It is always scary, sad, and you feel horrible for those who are affected. Praying hard for the situation πŸ™