How cool!

May 26, 2023,14:10 PM

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Yesterday was Africa Day

 By: brauner : May 26th, 2023-12:52

How cool!

 By: amanico : May 26th, 2023-14:10

I didn't know that.

 By: amanico : May 27th, 2023-02:03


 By: patrick_y : May 26th, 2023-15:04
Where in Africa?

Sao Tome e Principe

 By: brauner : May 26th, 2023-19:41

Ahh lovely.

 By: patrick_y : May 27th, 2023-05:01

Learn to relax, okay? ;)

 By: BigFatPauli : May 26th, 2023-16:40


 By: brauner : May 27th, 2023-17:43

It is at a place where fishermen from Angola hit on the island of Sao Tome called

 By: brauner : May 27th, 2023-17:49
Sao Joao dos Angolares. A Roca with the same name ...  

Wow…that is virtually the definition of…remote.

 By: myles721 : May 27th, 2023-11:13
In the states we would say you did indeed ….”get away from it all”! Enjoy…

Thank you

 By: brauner : May 27th, 2023-17:43