Heaven! I wonder which one you got...

Oct 14, 2021,20:53 PM

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what a view

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : October 14th, 2021-18:57

It could be worse!:)

 By: Chicolini : October 15th, 2021-17:03

The course also looks amazing

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : October 15th, 2021-21:43

Lovely….seems like Hawaii is your 2nd home and it is understandable….who doesn’t love such a paradise….

 By: Clueless_Collector : October 14th, 2021-18:59
Enjoy and looking forward to seeing your treasures.

Your fall scenery

 By: VinnieD : October 14th, 2021-19:00
is quite different than mine ;-( ! Enjoy thoroughly this superb environment!

Very nice hangout :)

 By: nacelle : October 14th, 2021-22:05
Looking forward to your reveal...

Is Bathys watch still there

 By: Cookies : October 15th, 2021-00:14
I miss the brand a lot. Recalled the cool MOP dialed pieces they made back then. Beautiful land!

I miss Kauai...one of only two places on earth where I can actually relax...

 By: mdg : October 15th, 2021-01:17
..the other being Italy : ) Have fun!

Breathtaking views

 By: Jurry : October 15th, 2021-09:45
Golf course great weather super Enjoy

Hi thanks

 By: Jurry : October 15th, 2021-18:16
Abd our weekend is great, yesterday we had family over today we spent with good friends and tomorrow golf completion followed by a community BBQ

Can't wait to see the watches.

 By: Uncle Chico : October 15th, 2021-13:21