Great recommendation! I watched this movie last night.

Jan 19, 2020,19:20 PM

Very unique way of filming and the story is also not typical.  In an interview, the director described it as a race against time and not a typical war movie.  It's viewed in a way that it appears to be one continuous scene.  In reality it's not but the camera work and editing make it highly believable.  Really well done, IMO.  

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I saw 1917 today.

 By: orahu : January 19th, 2020-15:26
Exceptional Film. Cinematography is amazing. The story is compelling. Needs to be seen on the Big Screen. ...  

Has rave reviews! [nt]

 By: K-Lo : January 19th, 2020-16:15

Thanks for recommending!

 By: Bounce781 : January 19th, 2020-17:55
I’ve been thinking about going, so now will make sure to see it. Cheers

Great recommendation! I watched this movie last night.

 By: Overwound : January 19th, 2020-19:20
Very unique way of filming and the story is also not typical. In an interview, the director described it as a race against time and not a typical war movie. It's viewed in a way that it appears to be one continuous scene. In reality it's not but the camer... 

Merci! [nt]

 By: amanico : January 19th, 2020-23:08

So did I 😮....

 By: Cpt Scarlet : January 20th, 2020-00:30
Amazing attention to detail in this film.