A Bridge on the Bay

Jan 31, 2025,17:40 PM

We reached Coronado by 6:15 this morning. The skies were clear, the air was 42° F cold, and the wind non-existent. A perfect morning (with 4 shirts and a down jacket) for a walk.

I was playing with the settings on my Sony Camera, switching from normal AUTO

to the SUNRISE/SUNSET function. I haven’t found any documentation to describe what changes are made, but they are certainly visible.

I have learned that I can go back and forth with one touch

and I can undo the changes on Photos (on my Mac) by changing the white balance settings.

We paced back and forth along the shoreline (about 2500 steps worth) trying to decide from which point the sun would rise.

I like this building except the windows on the rooms don’t really look out at the water. Perhaps they know in San Diego people don’t stay in the rooms if they can possiby help it.

Rotating to my left swaps the bridge in my viewfinder to the city’s downtown skyline. 

with SUNRISE/SUNSET setting.

My watch in normal mode,

and with Split Second setting activated.

Public “art”

Dinghy heading for shore, no land in sight.

Land Ho!

The sun arrived at 6:52, 9 minutes later than forecast — Hummph! said my wife.

A lady cop showed up on the sidewalk Who knows why? and we beat it back to the car and got home before the traffic became annoying.

By 7:15 there was blinding sunlight highlighting our Dragon Tree.

Thanks for joining us!

Cazalea & Mrs C

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By: InHavenPro : January 31st, 2025-20:20
I totally love your S/S setting . The lady cop showing up to take in the view is top . Cheers Mike, have a wonderful weekend, Filip

Do you like model trains?

By: cazalea : February 1st, 2025-12:08
Then you might like this tiny street / sidewalk sweeper. The guy inside could barely drive it and the guy in front must have been deaf (or stubborn) because he refused to step out of the way. ...  

Thin-blooded, thin shirts

By: cazalea : February 1st, 2025-04:41
It’s all about layers 🫤 but tomorrow I’m wearing my yak wool sweater