16 years is incredible! [nt]

Apr 24, 2013,23:34 PM

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[Career chit chat] What are some of the best choices you've made early in your career?

 By: xsw : April 20th, 2013-05:15
Be it qualitative aspects, such as helping out your peers and colleagues-- to quantitative aspects like learning something and being good at it at work. I just started a new role in an IB feel free to share your experiences

re: best choices

 By: DRMW : April 20th, 2013-12:43
Not sure what a IB is but it sounds like you got a new job so Congrats! In my field, practice management consults/courses were very helpful when I started out. Networking helps to build and expand. Of course being involved in philanthropic projects is alw... 


 By: xsw : April 20th, 2013-13:26
Hi Ming woo, I currently volunteer at a soup kitchen, distributing food to low-wage workers, lend a listening ear and giving out advise depending on the problems that they face. what about u? it'll be interesting to hear some of the projects that you're w... 

re: philantropy

 By: DRMW : April 21st, 2013-02:53
Great to hear that you are doing a good deed for those in need. We have something similar here called the L.A. Mission that we support. ACS (American Cancer Society) and LLS (Lymphoma and Leukemia Society) are great organizations to be involved in. -MW

My best career choice was to...

 By: Emil Wojcik : April 21st, 2013-07:48
...retire early. Had a great time in advertising and marketing. The mid '80s through late '90s was a great time to be in the business...lots of clients spending way too much money on things that just didn't matter. Budgets were fat and they had money to b... 

AMC had a great series called "The PITCH"

 By: Darron : April 21st, 2013-13:36
10 episodes showing more real world environment competition between two firms fighting for the client. ... At least that is how it is portrayed... I'm not in the industry. Very interesting and it is based on more recent times as you as described

Thanks for the info...

 By: Emil Wojcik : April 21st, 2013-16:13
...haven't heard of that one. I'll have to check it out. Emil

Don Draper!!

 By: Hororgasm : April 23rd, 2013-13:11
hope you did not have the same personal indiscretions of the Draper!! :)- jokes aside, retiring at 44 is a no way for many, definitely myself, and especially those in Asia. In Asia, we dont have the social nets of many Western societies.... we have a sayi... 

No, I'm happy to say...

 By: Emil Wojcik : April 23rd, 2013-15:46
...the only thing I shared with Don Draper was the job. But watching that show does bring back memories for me. In fact, it was my ad career that introduced me to watches. It was an extremely showy business so your watch, car and clothes were just as impo... 

Leaving one career to pursue a career for which...

 By: dxboon : April 23rd, 2013-08:04
...I felt more passion, and that I still love. If you can swing it, working for passion, and not being solely motivated by money is more rewarding in the long run. Cheers, Daos

We spend so much of our waking day ...

 By: AndrewD : April 26th, 2013-15:15
... in the workplace that you HAVE to enjoy it, at least on some level. Otherwise life would be miserable. I agree with you completely. Andrew


 By: dxboon : April 28th, 2013-08:15
...feeling passionate about what you do, takes a little of the sting out of those long, problem-filled occasions that sometimes pop-up at the office! Cheers, Daos

To work hard and smart, stay loyal as somehow it pays, do not harm others through

 By: KC74 : April 23rd, 2013-09:36
back stabbing, and I have been with the same FI for 16 years now and counting. My first job since graduation. I used to believe in self-actualisation which I still do. It is one theory and practice which has sustained my work ethics and survival in one of... 

what is IB? I was given this quote by my old boss....

 By: Hororgasm : April 23rd, 2013-13:20
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Pe... 

very motivating..

 By: xsw : April 24th, 2013-23:35
that's very motivating. I'll be sure to practice this lol. So glad u shared with me! investment bank

I have learnt the following..

 By: KC74 : April 25th, 2013-04:30
Think faster than you talk and don't talk faster than you think Climb the ladder whichever ladder without stepping on anyone's head Articulate corporate politics Do what u say and mean what you say Be honest about your intentions Don't get bullied cos inv... 

I just gave a talk at SMU about finance industry,esp those thinking of Investment banking

 By: Hororgasm : April 25th, 2013-07:05
Sorry, I am not a bearer of good news....Sunset industry...only growth area macro wise is audit, compliance, legal and risk. The whole industry is facing massive governmental challenges and a suffocating regulatory , the days of regulatory arbitrage are o... 

thanks horo! I'm in compliance.

 By: xsw : April 25th, 2013-08:48
but.. I'm looking to break into a front office role in the future. just for interest rather than for anything else. so what was your talk about? would have loved to check it out :D

Then you have a bright future...don't have to worry for at least a decade

 By: Hororgasm : April 25th, 2013-08:55
And forget about front office, unless you have a great sponsor cum mentor....it's a bloodbath, and many disgruntled front line people. It's the end of an era. Develop legal knowledge.....very soon, every supply chain participants, end user, and channel ve...