Well, it has to be a GMT MASTER...

Sep 04, 2024,20:30 PM

With a preference for this one:

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Very nice Exp II.

By: Champthekid : September 4th, 2024-20:14
The Daytona in many iterations has always been my favorite Rolex. There are a lot of close seconds though 😁 ...  


By: Dimardi : September 4th, 2024-20:33
But you have great ones currently...I would just like to get a call for 1 Daytona...my first....the 'Ghost'...

Yep. This one.

By: Derreck : September 4th, 2024-20:28
Sadly I don’t have the wrist to pull it off, maybe if they make a 39/40mm version again, I would buy it. A close second is this one though: Not mine. Source google images. ...  

Very cool!

By: Dimardi : September 4th, 2024-20:29
Love this Explorer with the black dial! Looks great! I have 2 Rolexes, the one in the picture is my favorite of the 2.... ...  

I'm with you: Explorer 2!

By: blau : September 5th, 2024-10:17
But hard to say whether I think the black dial or white dial is best.... PROBABLY white