I'd like to be, under the sea....

May 31, 2024,19:04 PM

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I can understand! :-)))

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : May 31st, 2024-19:14

You nailed that!

 By: KURT_DAVID : May 31st, 2024-19:23
Looks amazing 🤩

I do agree.

 By: Bill : May 31st, 2024-20:00

I like to be up in the air. Just that the timing not right.😇

 By: iceheller 1945 ✌️ : June 2nd, 2024-02:26
Heading to the gym first.🤣 ...  

Perfect choice!

 By: amanico : June 2nd, 2024-06:41

Finally some air time.😇

 By: iceheller 1945 ✌️ : June 11th, 2024-12:10