It looks excellent!

Feb 03, 2023,16:47 PM

Thanks for the pictures, cheers, Filip

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Piaget Polo S ..

By: Horology75 : February 3rd, 2023-15:35
Great value proposition. Steel , automatic , rubber interchangeable straps , water resistant and sporty… a ...  

I am a fan of the Polo. Looks great and is great.

By: Moka-Tiger (Ron) : February 5th, 2023-12:49
While others claim it looks like "something else", I think that it has its own charm, which grows on you the more you wear it .

How does it wear?

By: rip9er : February 7th, 2023-00:06
It’s definitely an attractive watch. Reminds me of the aquanaut (in a good way) but I dislike the the aquanaut strap doesn’t curve down enough. The watch wears too loose