I really like this blend of cool, elegance and somehow funkiness.

Feb 01, 2022,13:44 PM

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Celebrating the Lunar New Year with Piaget Polo Skeleton

By: jrwong23 (aka watchthebin) : February 1st, 2022-01:07
Happy to see a fellow forum member here acquire his new Piaget Polo Skeleton and was inspired to wear my Polo Skeleton for the new year too. Happy Lunar New Year to all ! May the year of the Tiger bring peace, abundance and blessings to everyone. Cheers R...  


By: Jay (Eire) : February 1st, 2022-13:24
I have to say the strap makes for an entirely different watch. I really like it on the strap.

Me too !

By: jrwong23 (aka watchthebin) : February 1st, 2022-13:26
I also love how the strap makes a difference to the look and feel of the watch. Blessed New Year my friend

You guys are not making it easy…

By: takman : February 5th, 2022-09:25
To resist this watch! So many tempting photos of it lately. All the best for the New Year!