
Jun 11, 2024,17:03 PM

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That spider is scary!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : June 11th, 2024-17:08


 By: amanico : June 11th, 2024-18:08

Quite the color schemes :)

 By: InHavenPro : June 11th, 2024-17:16

I was testing the AI in my Photos app

 By: cazalea : June 11th, 2024-17:46
I asked it first to find Roses, and this is what it chose (obviously the programmers are French?) ...  

: )

 By: mdg : June 11th, 2024-17:55

LoL x)

 By: InHavenPro : June 11th, 2024-17:56

WOW, the Spider!!!

 By: amanico : June 11th, 2024-18:07

Did you see that spider yourself up front??

 By: ArmisT : June 11th, 2024-18:15
That is heart stopping!