Thanks! Image compression on a phone can be deceiving. I wonder if the tree on the foreground registers as being in focus..

Feb 13, 2024,00:34 AM

I focused on the background at probably f/5.6 so the tree can be a bit soft.

Having said that, I usually take a few steps back from my laptop to look at an image.. almost like viewing it from a phone with the image a bit compressed smile

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Thank you. We only had a handful of images from that trip. Age has finally caught up with us..

By: Echi : February 13th, 2024-00:39
We used to wake up early for dawn/sunrise shots and then take advantage of indoor ambient lighting between 10am - 4pm walking and looking for people to photograph.. itineraries were usually packed. Now we wake up later sometimes even letting the sun get p... 

That’s a sweet shot!

By: TheMadDruid : February 12th, 2024-18:31
At least on my phone it looks like you got multiple “in-focus” spots. Nice!

Thanks! Image compression on a phone can be deceiving. I wonder if the tree on the foreground registers as being in focus..

By: Echi : February 13th, 2024-00:34
I focused on the background at probably f/5.6 so the tree can be a bit soft. Having said that, I usually take a few steps back from my laptop to look at an image.. almost like viewing it from a phone with the image a bit compressed