Thank you. We only had a handful of images from that trip. Age has finally caught up with us..

Feb 13, 2024,00:39 AM

We used to wake up early for dawn/sunrise shots and then take advantage of indoor ambient lighting between 10am - 4pm walking and looking for people to photograph.. itineraries were usually packed.

Now we wake up later sometimes even letting the sun get past us. And then take naps or siesta after lunch!

But then that slower pace makes the memories more “postcard” like, if you will smile

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Mid tones

 By: Echi : February 12th, 2024-16:44
Leica M246, 50lux ...  

Thank you. We only had a handful of images from that trip. Age has finally caught up with us..

 By: Echi : February 13th, 2024-00:39
We used to wake up early for dawn/sunrise shots and then take advantage of indoor ambient lighting between 10am - 4pm walking and looking for people to photograph.. itineraries were usually packed. Now we wake up later sometimes even letting the sun get p... 


 By: Echi : February 13th, 2024-08:48

That’s a sweet shot!

 By: TheMadDruid : February 12th, 2024-18:31
At least on my phone it looks like you got multiple “in-focus” spots. Nice!

Thanks! Image compression on a phone can be deceiving. I wonder if the tree on the foreground registers as being in focus..

 By: Echi : February 13th, 2024-00:34
I focused on the background at probably f/5.6 so the tree can be a bit soft. Having said that, I usually take a few steps back from my laptop to look at an image.. almost like viewing it from a phone with the image a bit compressed

Nice :-)

 By: Echi : February 13th, 2024-12:56

Impressive... most impressive.

 By: enjoythemusic : February 12th, 2024-19:21

Thank you :-)

 By: Echi : February 13th, 2024-00:29