Superb pics!

Dec 20, 2018,16:02 PM

Looks great even on my phone.
Can't wait to view them on the big screen.

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2018 Photos - my year in review...

 By: cshimokita : December 19th, 2018-14:41
Lots of locations this year... some for the first time. Niigata Prefecture in January, Karuizawa (Nagano Prefecture) throughout the year, the Philippines in July, and an October visit to Santa Fe (New Mexico USA). Here are my 10 photo picks for the year i...  

Superb photos ..

 By: Cpt Scarlet : December 19th, 2018-14:47
from some fabulous locations.

Thank you Cpt Scarlet...

 By: cshimokita : December 19th, 2018-15:50
Over the last 8-10 years I have had a chance to travel for longer periods in different parts of Japan... typically Northern Japan in winter. 2019 will be Akita and Aomori prefectures. The former will be a new location and it's a revisit to Aomori Prefectu... 

Thank you for the kind comment Steve...

 By: cshimokita : December 19th, 2018-16:02
[no text]

Thank you for the comment JTCL...

 By: cshimokita : December 20th, 2018-16:07

Thanks JLCman...

 By: cshimokita : December 19th, 2018-16:01
Every year since I started doing extended 'photo shoots' I do one enlargement (one print per year)... this year it was (№ 2) Bandai Bridge over the Shinano River in Niigata city (Niigata Prefecture). Funny... this month when Echi visited Tokyo that photo ... 

Wow Casey

 By: sschew : December 19th, 2018-15:41
That first pic is to die for!! Love it Sean

Thanks Sean...

 By: cshimokita : December 19th, 2018-16:09
That photo was taken quite close to the [shinkansen] station in Niigata City using the Fuji x100t digital (I shot mostly film on the trip). We had about 80cm of snow in one 24 hour period... just loved the experience and took I more than one opportunity t... 

Love that pic with the snow has a warm 'cozy' feel to it

 By: sschew : December 19th, 2018-18:07
Your photography is quite simply beautiful!

Thank you Sean...

 By: cshimokita : December 19th, 2018-18:33
The lights are so inviting... and for some reason I enjoy taking photos in the cold / snow ; ) Casey

A good review...

 By: S F : December 19th, 2018-16:45
No.2 and 5 are still vivid in my mind which I was attracted to when you first shared the pictures.

Thank you S F...

 By: cshimokita : December 19th, 2018-17:03
For № 5 "Benzaiten Shrine" I was using the Canon 5D II and 100mm f/2.8 Macro, which is a good walking around lens that's also a Macro. With that body I don't have a super wide nor a 50mm so I mostly end up with either the 35mm f/1.4L or the aforementioned... 

Very nice (I also love #1-it looks familiar?)

 By: TheMadDruid : December 19th, 2018-16:46
and a great idea to do a recap of sorts. Happy New Year and happy travels next year. Looking forward to more of your pix.

Thanks DruidPadj...

 By: cshimokita : December 19th, 2018-17:17
№ 1 "Niigata city..." was a very welcoming scene on a cold night, probably what drew me to take the photo. The recap process is quite simple... I archive every thread I start here on the Photo Forum so it takes about 30 minutes to go back over the approx.... 

All great images....

 By: InHavenPro : December 19th, 2018-17:31
but that Bandai bridge and the Santa Fe panorama are something else . Cheers, Filip

Thank you Filip...

 By: cshimokita : December 19th, 2018-18:36
Totally agree with your comments... IMVHO ; ) That panorama needs a glass of red zin and maybe cheese & crackers. Casey

Great pics...

 By: crocker7 : December 19th, 2018-17:42
...thanks for sharing

Thanks crocker7 and for taking the time to comment...

 By: cshimokita : December 19th, 2018-18:37
much appreciated... Casey

Thank you Rogi... [photo attached]

 By: cshimokita : December 19th, 2018-18:48
About 2 km down from that location the Shinano River empties into the Japan Sea so the river is slightly tidal and in the winter they have to work to keep the ice from building up. Casey ...  

Very well done Casey 👍

 By: Mike H : December 19th, 2018-21:28
I try to pick up one or two but this is a difficult task they all stand out in a different way. If I force myself to choose a favorite I’ll take the Bendai Bridge for its very calm and quiet feeling in our world of running for business excitement and some... 

Thank you Mike...

 By: cshimokita : December 20th, 2018-00:20
On my annual winter photo shoots (e.g. the Niigata Bandai Bridge) I am normally traveling alone so I don't have to hurry unless the light is changing etc. The fog and graphic nature of car tires tracks in the new snow demanded a photo (28mm FL)... just ha... 

Superb as always but 10 and 2 are really out there.

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : December 19th, 2018-22:08
Cheers D

Thank you Mr Green...

 By: cshimokita : December 20th, 2018-00:10
№ 02 Bandai Bridge was taken with the Leica MP (film), 28mm f/2.8 Elmarit-M ASPH, and Fujifilm Neopan 400 b&w negative film № 10 Jemez Mountains panorama was taken with the Nikon F3P (film), Nikkor Ai 50mm f/1.2 S, and Kodak Gold 200 color negative fi... 

Agreed D... maybe printed on canvas...

 By: cshimokita : December 20th, 2018-14:47
... Casey

Superb pics!

 By: fernando : December 20th, 2018-16:02
Looks great even on my phone. Can't wait to view them on the big screen. Best Fernando

Hi Fernando...

 By: cshimokita : December 20th, 2018-16:14
Stay offline as long as possible... and likewise I am waiting for your Niseko photos... Casey

2018 was a good "photo" year...

 By: cshimokita : December 22nd, 2018-16:56
Thanks Nico... looking forward to 2019 ; ) Casey