My top three....

Dec 11, 2018,18:40 PM

2, 4, 6. smile Cheers, Filip

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Some pictures from the road several weeks ago.

 By: Jay (Eire) : December 11th, 2018-18:25
Apologies for the order, it’s a mix of Tokyo and Hong Kong, not too hard to figure out which is which though. The pink dress, it just caught my eye. I think you can see what I was trying to do but I’m not sure I was patient enough to really limit the ligh...  

My top three....

 By: InHavenPro : December 11th, 2018-18:40
2, 4, 6. Cheers, Filip

This one....

 By: InHavenPro : December 11th, 2018-19:04
was somewhat easier than most . Cheers, Filip

My favorite is the Japanese couple...

 By: cshimokita : December 11th, 2018-19:59
They would be a little warmer dressed this week... Lovely set of photos. Looks like you had a good trip. Casey