You take a mean photo Joe! :-)

Aug 02, 2017,09:30 AM

The angle of the shot is near perfect as it accentuates the raised numerals and yet show enough of the dial. Meanwhile ,the curved lugs hug your wrist well! smile

I have decided that I love the 5370P from this angle!! smile

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Talking about sealed plastic, here's one I made earlier.......

 By: Baron - Mr Red : August 2nd, 2017-08:49
How can that be kept in plastic???? ...  

Only if you wanna...

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : August 2nd, 2017-08:50
suffocate someone with plastic bag to take this beauty of his wrist

When you marry her , you make love to her.

 By: geross : August 2nd, 2017-13:34
You make love to your watch by using her. Lol. Cheers.

Perfection ! [nt]

 By: fomar : August 2nd, 2017-08:53

A real marvel, that one too is definitely the kind of stuff I love

 By: Mike H : August 2nd, 2017-09:15
and your picture is simply perfect, showing nicely light reflection in the Breguet numerals and hands. I wish I could consider this one as a possible achievable target but I made my calculations and this one will remain a dream. It's a pure beauty, huge c... 

its manual wind is also something quite special....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : August 2nd, 2017-09:32 is truly sensual. Next time in London, Mike..... would be good for a gtg at some point

Yes certainly !!! I'm only afraid that I can't resist and when I decide to pull the trigger...

 By: Mike H : August 2nd, 2017-16:01
But there are 2 big constraints probably too difficult to overcome : even if 2 kings I'm not sure I could leave with a 2 watches collection only (few probably but 2... no !) and whatever smooth or sensual a manual wound watch is simply no go for me now fo... 

certainly would be a spectacular pair in a two watch collection...

 By: keks : August 2nd, 2017-09:50
one automatic sporty blue AR travel time Aquanaut and one mechanical drop dead gorgeous black enamel dial with applied breguet numerals split second chronograph.... for me one down, the other a distant dream....

and now you open a can of worms....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : August 2nd, 2017-10:03 a 2 watch collection, would you take the 5650 over the 5131P? 5370 and ? I will now be thinking about this tonight.....what if.....

a two watch collection for me would have to involve a sporty water resistant time piece

 By: keks : August 2nd, 2017-10:15
the ultimate Patek sport watch in my opinion is the 5650G. The other piece would be 5370P, primarily due to two reasons: 1) the black enamel dial is magic, now the case and split second movement is not shabby either. But the dial is a stunner 2) as much a... 

genuinely....i would find it very hard....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : August 2nd, 2017-10:33
.....but i actually agree with you....if just two....the two you mention.

Beg to differ if only (sick) two...

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : August 2nd, 2017-10:48
then one spot is taken for 3448

Ahhh a vintage punch knocks everything astray...

 By: keks : August 2nd, 2017-10:56
I think in a fair world there would be room for two modern and two vintage pieces as they play in different leagues But yes the 3448 is spectacular!

A modern two PP analysis at that ;)

 By: keks : August 2nd, 2017-11:01
not obvious to me the outcome may have changed but wanted to add this slight disclaimer

No cheating!

 By: Baron - Mr Red : August 2nd, 2017-13:02
Just two I think this needs a new thread.

Yes. New thread [nt]

 By: 5980 : August 2nd, 2017-13:05

I might open this thread if you haven't already decided too

 By: Harry2 : August 2nd, 2017-16:52
But all brands. I also think this should be a seiko regular thing with different themes, my opinion on the matter changes with the wind! For example, 2 watch collection but must be two watches you already own. Or two watch collection, but you just wear a ... 

Start the thread Harry in HM [nt]

 By: Baron - Mr Red : August 2nd, 2017-23:36

You take a mean photo Joe! :-)

 By: sham1 : August 2nd, 2017-09:30
The angle of the shot is near perfect as it accentuates the raised numerals and yet show enough of the dial. Meanwhile ,the curved lugs hug your wrist well! I have decided that I love the 5370P from this angle!!

I was once told....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : August 2nd, 2017-09:33
....that my photograpy would make Claudia Schiffer look i decided i needed some lessons!

You mean you find

 By: sham1 : August 2nd, 2017-09:37
Claudia Schiffer attractive??!! Sorry Claudia, I am a Cindy Crawford man

I admired a sibling at the NY Exhibition

 By: Joepny : August 2nd, 2017-09:30
and those numerals are so beautiful. A gorgeous dial!

OK, now I need to decide which organ or limb I'm giving up for this watch...

 By: Clueless_Collector : August 2nd, 2017-10:01
Yes, keeping this in plastic will be a disgrace to the watch world, imo. Rgds Raymond

but at the end of the day....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : August 2nd, 2017-10:04 is just a piece of metal!

It is made up of many, many pieces of metal, into a mechanical marvel...

 By: Clueless_Collector : August 2nd, 2017-10:16
Imagine x years later, some future generations dug up this piece of artifact, they may wonder how "ancient people" in year 2000s able to create miniature wonders, just like how we puzzled on the 7 wonders of the world.

I really like this line of reasoning Raymond

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : August 2nd, 2017-10:51
Kudos D

That's the kind of thing I keep thinking about.

 By: TheMadDruid : August 2nd, 2017-10:55
All those tiny parts, some that can't clearly be seen without a magnifier, placed together to do something so complex. What will people think?

Similar to the millions of transistors we are making into a tiny chip....thickness of film in Angstroms (1 angstrom = 0.1 nanometer)

 By: Clueless_Collector : August 2nd, 2017-11:12
imagine how tired my engineers and operators eyes looking for a speck of particle?

Exactly my dear friend....

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : August 2nd, 2017-14:47
liberating line of reasoning. Chapeau! D

Fantastic pic....

 By: traineract : August 2nd, 2017-10:08
This angle says it all.

Bag? No....

 By: elliot55 : August 2nd, 2017-11:17
... Gloves? Yes. - scott

No plastic for this beauty, my friend.

 By: zabreg1 Mr White : August 2nd, 2017-11:31

Willpower or masochistic? [nt]

 By: zabreg1 Mr White : August 2nd, 2017-23:18

That would be a sinn! ;) [nt]

 By: blomman Mr Blue : August 2nd, 2017-11:55


 By: Vwong : August 2nd, 2017-18:11
Truly a work of beauty and definitely deserves plenty of wrist time

Hi Joe, your baby 5370P is alive and kicking because it gets to breathe freely ! :-)

 By: GLau : August 2nd, 2017-23:07
This side profile photo is excellent because it shows show nice the case and lugs look ! Furthermore, the 3D effect of the applied Brequet numerals is shown clearly. Thanks for Sharing. Cheers, Gordon

Thanks Gordon...... [nt]

 By: Baron - Mr Red : August 3rd, 2017-01:56