Wow! That 2nd photo in the shade looks amazing. What a wonder way you are spending these crazy times! [nt]

Nov 01, 2020,13:20 PM

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Patek 5726 full moon on the ocean.

 By: Bill : October 31st, 2020-12:35
In this upside down world i am send all of some rays of sunshine and hopefulness. Trying to squeeze every boat day while the weather holds out. Have a great weekend. Bill Patek 5726 piano dial. ...  

Wonderful shot with a spectacular beauty!

 By: Centurionone : October 31st, 2020-12:44
Looks like itโ€™s still summer where you are Bill ! ๐Ÿ˜

We can usually continue boating until thanksgiving.

 By: Bill : October 31st, 2020-12:50
It is a question of rain and this year we are in a La Ninia which is drier.

Enjoy the freedom of the ocean...

 By: Cpt Scarlet : October 31st, 2020-12:46
Have a great weekend Bill and donโ€™t forget to stop and enjoy some great wine. Best The Captain

Love the second picture...

 By: @lberti : October 31st, 2020-12:50
Your pictures make feel a little bit on holidays.. Thanks sharing

From this perspective for sure.

 By: Bill : October 31st, 2020-13:12

Doesnโ€™t get any better then this! [nt]

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : October 31st, 2020-13:04

Nice shots! [nt]

 By: aris d : October 31st, 2020-14:04

Situation changed very quickly.

 By: Bill : October 31st, 2020-14:28
Within 15 minutes it was pea shop. A disaster to navigate in. ...  

Radar. [nt]

 By: Bill : November 1st, 2020-13:45

Bill, Both of your piano dials 5726 & 5711 are mesmerizing.

 By: BigAppleBill : October 31st, 2020-17:08
Thanks for sharing. It keeps the potential acquisition of a piano dial at the top of my mind.

One of the few watches...

 By: Watch_This : October 31st, 2020-19:32
Where I feel the white dial is maybe the best looking of any of the options. Beautiful piece! Cheers Drew

What a great way to celebrate Hallowen !

 By: GLau : October 31st, 2020-22:37
Trust that you had a good time !

Just cruising. [nt]

 By: Bill : November 1st, 2020-10:55