That is a possibility

Feb 06, 2013,15:01 PM

I should know more about my weekend schedule later tonight. I'm waiting to find out if a close friend wants to celebrate his birthday on Friday or Saturday. I'll shoot you a email or call later tonight.

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I made a nice trade today

 By: rovermark : February 4th, 2013-20:22
I decided it was time for my Breguet La Tradition to leave my collection. While there was a lot that I liked about it I found I rarely wore it because I felt it had a confused character. The case style is very classical and for me a bit formal. The face, ...  

Welcome to the WT club, my dear Mark!

 By: amanico : February 4th, 2013-20:30
Yes, you didi well. Not that the Tradtion is not a nice watch, but the WT is a great watch. A.... Wolrd apart. And yes, it is a more versatile character, you will certainly wear it more often. Enjoy, and as I said, welcome to the WT Gang. Best, Nicolas.

Thanks Nicolas.

 By: rovermark : February 5th, 2013-01:02
It is good to have a world timer back in my collection. As much as I liked the JLC Master World Geographic that I used to have a few years ago I found it hard to read. Between a very busy dial and the fact that I found silver hands against a silver dial a... 

The JLC cannot compete with this icon, IMO.

 By: amanico : February 5th, 2013-02:00
Now, you have a reference in the family of WT watches. Best, Nicolas

It isn't really a world timer to me

 By: rovermark : February 6th, 2013-02:41
It seems like more of a 2 zone travel watch.


 By: Le Monde Edmond : February 6th, 2013-04:01
There are bad trades and then there are good trades. I love the Patek WT and have the same model as you have. I think it is indeed an icon, very simple to read, very wearable and just a pure joy. Congratulations on what I think is a very good trade! Enjoy... 

Thanks Edmond.

 By: rovermark : February 6th, 2013-14:47
Wear yours in happiness and good health!

Both are nice

 By: dr.kol : February 4th, 2013-23:16
but your new Patek is much more wearable. Well done, congratulations. Best, Kari

Thanks Kari [nt]

 By: rovermark : February 5th, 2013-01:03


 By: Topcat30093 : February 5th, 2013-01:04
IMO, you have just got yourself a beautiful Patek. And a complication that has a lot of admirers here. :)

Thanks Topcat.

 By: rovermark : February 5th, 2013-02:00
I agree that the world timer is one of the great Patek complications. Now if they would only make a world timer minute repeater......... : )

Indeed you made ...

 By: small-luxury-world : February 5th, 2013-01:25
a nice trade. Nothing is wrong with the Breguet, but it can´t beat the beauty of the PP 5110 in general. More and more I think this "G version" is my favorite world timer from PP - lot´s of character & understatement at the same time. Congrats! Oliver... 

It is funny you use the term understated

 By: rovermark : February 5th, 2013-01:53
The Beguet was certainly not understated. It was the only watch in my collection that would regularly get noticed by non-watch people. I don't expect that will happen with the Patek, which is to my liking.

Congrats ! [nt]

 By: dirost : February 5th, 2013-08:19

Thanks dirost. [nt]

 By: rovermark : February 6th, 2013-02:42

Congrats Mark!

 By: patrick_y : February 6th, 2013-00:49
Crossing timezones with your world time and the time barrier in your time machine car. Great watch, always been a big fan of the 5110! Congrats!

Thanks Patrick

 By: rovermark : February 6th, 2013-03:18
Somehow I think something like this is more appropriate for a Delorean though: ...  


 By: patrick_y : February 6th, 2013-10:05
Indeed it is...

I have to admit...

 By: rovermark : February 6th, 2013-14:49
I really love that Omega. Red LED display + 1970's funkiness = Hot

I can tell...

 By: patrick_y : February 6th, 2013-19:43
Judging by the JLC Master LED... I see the pattern...

Friday afternoon at the pool hall . . .

 By: Dr No : February 6th, 2013-10:17
. . . in the Valley? Love to see it in the metal! Art

That is a possibility

 By: rovermark : February 6th, 2013-15:01
I should know more about my weekend schedule later tonight. I'm waiting to find out if a close friend wants to celebrate his birthday on Friday or Saturday. I'll shoot you a email or call later tonight.

great trade up! [nt]

 By: ChristianDK : February 6th, 2013-11:41

Thanks ChristianDK

 By: rovermark : February 6th, 2013-15:03

beautiful watch!!!

 By: mjnoumoff : February 7th, 2013-06:57
good trade IMHO! wear it in the best of the health!

Thanks mjnoumoff [nt]

 By: rovermark : February 8th, 2013-01:34

Well done! [nt]

 By: yessir69 : February 9th, 2013-07:53