
Jan 16, 2018,03:26 AM

Andrew probaby sold it and deleted the picture...that will be why I cant find it.
I believe Mstanga has a picture of my one in his review...

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Ref 3417 review

By: : January 13th, 2018-15:22
Imagine the opening scene of a movie set . The location is the Hadron Collider in Switzerland. The actor is Benedict Cumberbatch playing the role of a scientist. He is wearing a crisp white lab coat. He walks into the lab and raises his arm and pulls back...  


By: runie : January 13th, 2018-15:34
Just a few weeks ago I had the opportunity to see a nearly as new example of this reference.... Really awesome and adorable!

Are you sure about the 1200 gauss? I thought the Patek was more around 700 / 800 Gauss.

By: amanico : January 13th, 2018-15:50
Anyway, as you mentioned it rightly, the 3417 is one of these legendary amagnetic watches you quoted. A must have. And yours is wonderful. Great review, my friend. Best, and thanks. Nicolas

Thanks Nicolas

By: : January 13th, 2018-16:17
my reference is M Stangas book. He uses oersted rather than gauss but the conversion is 1:1 J

Thank you for a nice review.

By: dr.kol : January 14th, 2018-00:12
I hope Patek will one day re-introduce the Antimagnetic Calatrava with a modern manual winding movement and SS case. That would be something. Best, Kari

Thank you for a great review!

By: blomman Mr Blue : January 14th, 2018-01:13
Interesting to learn there were a radium dial for a Antimagnetic watch!? We saw many paradoxes through time... Shield from magnetism but radioactive...! Best Blomman

Thanks everyone

By: : January 14th, 2018-12:26
This is a reference that has to be seen in the flesh to understand the passion J

Radium dial

By: itt : January 15th, 2018-22:33
Gotta love the 3417.... Can you please post a link to the radium dial version that you mentioned Andrew Shear posted on Instagram. I cant seen to find it ... having said that I know little about Instagram.


By: itt : January 16th, 2018-03:26
Andrew probaby sold it and deleted the picture...that will be why I cant find it. I believe Mstanga has a picture of my one in his review...


By: Baron - Mr Red : January 16th, 2018-03:42 issues about posting any watch really, but when its a link to a dealer and a watch that is for sale, it edges across the line. Would love to see a picture of yours.... greetings from mine.... ...  


By: itt : January 17th, 2018-18:40
Are you sure Julian..???? New York State recognizes 31 genders and the safe schools program says the are 72.... Im confused....!!!!

itt - do you have any more info on the radium dial 3417?….

By: Itstime : January 27th, 2024-04:33
… I am researching a watch with exactly the same dial (it’s a family watch), but can’t find any information. Yours is the only reference pic I saw, anything you can share at all about this kind of dial would be really appreciated! Was it a rare dial? Most... where do I get this book?

By: Itstime : January 29th, 2024-02:21
I looked it up here but didn’t find where to buy or if there is an ecopy somewhere. Any pointers?


By: MausOnline : January 27th, 2024-18:37
You may want to reach out to John Nagayama ONbeHALF co., Ltd. Who seems to have multiple.

It obviously needs restoration

By: Itstime : January 29th, 2024-02:20
…But here it is. Been in the family always, now we want to restore it, and to know more about it. ...