Nautilus and Sisyphus (table)

Jan 17, 2023,18:28 PM

Quick picture in the dark of my faithful 5712 and / on my sisyphus table  ...

For those interested go and have a look at their site, it matches well with watches clocks and time. [Commercial link edited out --- FabR (Patek moderator)]

This message has been edited by FabR on 2023-01-17 18:50:07

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Great shot!

 By: InHavenPro : January 17th, 2023-19:24
I'll have to Google those tables....

Imagine how good these would look with the table too!

 By: patrick_y : January 17th, 2023-21:41
Are those tables reliable? How long have you had yours? ...  

I have mine

 By: chris7509 : January 17th, 2023-21:59
since their kickstarter campaign of mid 2017. So plugged since then not drawing everyday for sure but no problem to report !

Good to know!

 By: patrick_y : January 19th, 2023-02:59

good post

 By: anaroku : January 18th, 2023-02:39

 By: sschew : January 18th, 2023-03:03
I thought this post was about a PP and syphilis

Ah ah ah

 By: chris7509 : January 18th, 2023-08:04
could have been, it really depends about who is your AD

Pas mal, pas mal. :)

 By: amanico : January 18th, 2023-09:45


 By: amanico : January 18th, 2023-09:45

Good shot !

 By: GLau : January 18th, 2023-17:19
Enjoy it often !