Agreed …

May 12, 2020,08:11 AM

Keep well !

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Beautiful micro rotor

 By: mj23 : May 12th, 2020-06:22

Awesome photo! [nt]

 By: amanico : May 12th, 2020-06:26

Thanks Nico! [nt]

 By: mj23 : May 12th, 2020-07:49

Awesome watch ! [nt]

 By: Cpt Scarlet : May 12th, 2020-06:29

Thanks Captain!

 By: mj23 : May 12th, 2020-07:50
a great watch indeed!

Agreed …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : May 12th, 2020-08:11
Keep well !

And great photo

 By: Jurry : May 12th, 2020-06:40
Looks as if it comes straight out of the brochure

Thanks dms! [nt]

 By: mj23 : May 12th, 2020-08:02

Nice shot! [nt]

 By: jleno : May 12th, 2020-07:35

Thanks Ted-Lo

 By: mj23 : May 12th, 2020-07:49
Yes, MJ23 is Air Jordan....GOAT!!! 😁

Your talent with the camera never fails to amaze me!

 By: sham1 : May 12th, 2020-08:13
I have 2 Pateks with micro rotors but I have never seen them looking anything like your photo!! I have saved it on my pen drive if that is ok with you.

Too kind, Sham!

 By: mj23 : May 12th, 2020-08:40
Feel free to save it.

Thanks Count

 By: mj23 : May 12th, 2020-08:41
Yes, 240 is so beautiful!

You take BEAUTIFUL photos ! Patek should....

 By: GLau : May 12th, 2020-08:14
hire you as its in-house photographer !

Too kind, Gordon!

 By: mj23 : May 12th, 2020-08:41
Appreciate it!

Thanks Bill!

 By: mj23 : May 12th, 2020-10:41
Truly nice movement of the 240

Nice shot!

 By: Fjan : May 12th, 2020-10:16
Which PP model is this? 6102?

Thanks janef

 By: mj23 : May 12th, 2020-10:41
This is from 5712A

Haha shame on me .. I own three 5712 (A, R and GR) and I can’t even recognise the movement 😅 [nt]

 By: Fjan : May 12th, 2020-11:31
Almost forgotten about my GR still double sealed in the safe box 😅


 By: Fjan : May 12th, 2020-11:35
I am going mad in this lock down! I forgotten I own a GR too still double sealed in the safe. 😅

Hehehehe... ;) [nt]

 By: amanico : May 12th, 2020-14:17

Beautiful photo! I have taken this similar one (but not as good)

 By: descartes1 : May 12th, 2020-10:35
The coin edging on the micro rotor that’s not even visible with the naked eye is truly special ...  

Thanks descartes!

 By: mj23 : May 12th, 2020-10:41
Your shots look great. I love the capture of the coin edging on the first photo!

Awesome Micro ! [nt]

 By: gautamak : May 12th, 2020-11:01

Simply splendid!

 By: Centurionone : May 12th, 2020-13:16
Bravo !

Wait you took that with an iPhone?!?

 By: Patekfinity : May 12th, 2020-13:27
Wow!! Spectacular pics. I remember you mentioned before that you used an iPhone for the photos. The colors are amazing! Did u use any post image modifications? Your lighting must be studio quality.!!

Thanks for your kind words.

 By: mj23 : May 12th, 2020-14:19
Yes, it's taken with my iphone and the lighting is natural light by my bedroom window.

Awesome macro shot 👍👌👌👌

 By: Mike H : May 12th, 2020-16:22
Really stunning photo, and amazing that you managed that with an iPhone 👍👍👏👏

Thanks so much, Mike

 By: mj23 : May 12th, 2020-18:23
Appreciate it.

Looks Great!

 By: gqmagic : May 12th, 2020-16:37
I'm inspired to take a picture of mine, I need some more practice haha ...  


 By: mj23 : May 12th, 2020-18:24
You got a nice looking micro rotor too. 👍

Superb shot!! [nt]

 By: Watcholic_id : May 14th, 2020-06:56