5575 gets quite a...

Apr 22, 2019,04:34 AM

few votes ! It is very romantic with the rainbow moon !

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A very comprehensive collection Gordon.

 By: geross : April 20th, 2019-13:26
I think the cloisone dial in platinum bracelet would be the best. ๐Ÿ‘ But all are great to have and wear. Perfect. Cheers my friend, ๐Ÿป. Geross ๐Ÿ˜‰

All gorgeous WT [nt]

 By: Gelato Monster : April 20th, 2019-13:27

Yes, well said ! bases are covered ! Then there are..

 By: GLau : April 21st, 2019-08:15
more bases that keep coming out ! LOL !!

Easy , I like them all .

 By: Watchonthewrists : April 20th, 2019-13:52
Why ?? Because there all beautiful in there own way

Yes, each is special to me for ...

 By: GLau : April 21st, 2019-08:15
different reasons !

Thanks Gordon, what a fantastic WT celebration here today...five LEs/application pieces is not bad!:-) Each has indeed its own (huge) charm, and I'd love any of the four that I don't have...

 By: FabR : April 20th, 2019-13:59
But as an exercise, I tried to rank them in my mind, so here's my very difficult (and very subjective, and perhaps not even definitive!) ranking: 1) 5131P and 5131R (I only have the P, so actually the R for me might even be a tad above -- it's easier to l... 

Thanks Fab for your logic and comments ! Perhaps we could ...

 By: GLau : April 21st, 2019-08:18
swap some for a period of time ??

:-) [nt]

 By: FabR : April 21st, 2019-11:06

Is that a YES for ....

 By: GLau : April 21st, 2019-11:10
swapping watches with your alumni ?

Hi Nicolas, my life goal is to...

 By: GLau : April 21st, 2019-08:19
WOW the great prolific PuristS poster from Paris !

Sorry Nicolas, you are...

 By: GLau : April 21st, 2019-08:57
already poisoned so deep that you cannot be cured !!

Canโ€™t decide....

 By: Huei : April 20th, 2019-18:21
Map layout wise, I like the 5131R Uniqueness wise, I like the 5575 Versatility wise, I like the 5131P This is a very hard decision

Hi huei, for a difficult and emotional subject, you have made some...

 By: GLau : April 21st, 2019-08:20
sense out of it ! Well done and thanks for your comments !

5131G all the way for me [nt]

 By: Patekphilippecollector : April 20th, 2019-19:52

Yes, for me 5131G wins from the angles of ...

 By: GLau : April 21st, 2019-08:23
most colors (except when in 5575 full rainbow colors could be captured, which in itself is a difficult task) and beat gradations !

couldn't agree more ๐Ÿ˜Š

 By: Watcholic_id : April 20th, 2019-21:11
Each has its own charm. I like the 5575G because of the rainbow moon & those sexy lugs. 5131P because of the enamel & the P ๐Ÿ˜Š What a superb collection, youโ€™re the WT Master ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ Cheers

Amazing collection.

 By: uaewatchguy : April 20th, 2019-21:39
5131G is relevant to me because Iโ€™m from Africa but live in the Middle East now and both in the map and Dubai instead of Riyad used Iqbal

Great explanation. ! They mean different things to ...

 By: GLau : April 21st, 2019-08:29
different people because of what they represent on an emotional level. The 5130 Shanghai is meaningful to me because I used to live there , and 5131R has North America and Asia, both continents that I have lived in !


 By: keks : April 21st, 2019-04:28
That is quite a lineup! Thanks for sharing!!

Hi keks, you are...

 By: GLau : April 21st, 2019-08:31
most welcome and glad you liked the collage !

5x31J next for you?

 By: keks : April 21st, 2019-08:54
X= 2 or 1 ?

keks, Please STOP....

 By: GLau : April 21st, 2019-08:56
taunting me !


 By: keks : April 21st, 2019-11:17
But a J is in order.... feels like a missing wheel on a fancy car...

T or A would make for a good spare wheel to hang on the trunk...

 By: keks : April 22nd, 2019-03:14
But the fourth when would be more balanced if precious like the other wheels...

How do you know whether I have the...

 By: GLau : April 21st, 2019-12:16
5131J or not ?? LOL !!

Fab please ...

 By: GLau : April 21st, 2019-13:17
stop turning my passion into an addiction!!!

Darn ! You are right ! My IG does have...

 By: GLau : April 21st, 2019-14:25
โ€œaddictedโ€ in the handle !! Guess I am an enamel addict !! LOL !!

:-)) [nt]

 By: FabR : April 21st, 2019-14:36

Need you in ...

 By: GLau : April 21st, 2019-16:54
Hong Kong this year !!

Who knows, maybe I'll really head in that direction again this summer..:-) I'll be based in Italy from May 24 thru August, and then normally I take a bunch of trips with my girlfriend...

 By: FabR : April 21st, 2019-17:29
If HK or surroundings is one of them, you'll be the first to know! Similarly, please let me know if you head my way...here's a collage of two things that I'll show you with great pleasure next time you visit Italy... Cheers. ...  

Spectacular melange [nt]

 By: ruudvan639 : April 21st, 2019-04:50

They're all great ...

 By: Mean Solar Time : April 21st, 2019-12:44
... but maybe the 5131/1P-001. Not an everyday wear, ... but on the days you wear it you can't help but smile! ๐Ÿ˜

Yes mean solar time, the 5131P has an excellent....

 By: GLau : April 21st, 2019-13:07
heft and thus wrist presence !!

They are all charming in their own way but my two favourites are ...

 By: Centurionone : April 21st, 2019-14:09
โค๏ธโค๏ธ5575 & 5131 โค๏ธโค๏ธ

5575 gets quite a...

 By: GLau : April 22nd, 2019-04:34
few votes ! It is very romantic with the rainbow moon !

Great collection and difficult decision...

 By: runie(1) : April 22nd, 2019-02:53
.... which I like most (perhaps the 5575G?)

Another vote for the...

 By: GLau : April 22nd, 2019-04:36
romantic rainbow moon !!


 By: runie(1) : April 22nd, 2019-06:18

Thank you Gordon ;) [nt]

 By: runie(1) : April 23rd, 2019-06:35

Middle! [nt]

 By: cbb in honor of Chamnong Bhirombhakdi : April 22nd, 2019-03:22

Thanks for your vote for the ...

 By: GLau : April 22nd, 2019-15:59
heavy weight enamel !!