Have a blessed day!

Dec 25, 2024,14:32 PM

Merry Christmas to the WPS community!


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Merry Christmas to all! And M4...

By: MichaelC : December 25th, 2024-14:40
Thanks for launching our new Parmigiani Fleurier forum into orbit! This board has been absolutely fantastic. I look forward to reading and learning more about PF in the years to come.

Merry Christmas!

By: mrds : December 26th, 2024-10:04
A major milestone, the launch of the PF forum on WPS. Thank you for all your great posts!

gorgeous piece..

By: Tomba : January 5th, 2025-04:38
Alas I have a Kalpagraph with similar aesthetics... that's what keeping my lust for hebdomaire in check.

Thank you for your kind words.

By: M4 : January 5th, 2025-11:35
Enjoy the Kalpagraph. I love mine. Beware the bewitching power of the hebdomadaire Kalpa. Once on the wrist, it won't be forgotten. M4 ...  


By: Tomba : January 5th, 2025-14:11
this model looked course and industrial in many listings.. but when I see your photo .. Damn .. it's beautiful. Thanks for sharing.