The endless summer continues…

Sep 18, 2023,18:00 PM

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That’s a great wrist shot!

 By: KURT_DAVID : September 18th, 2023-19:22
Such a robust, strong, dependable looking watch.

Thanks and…

 By: myles721 : September 18th, 2023-19:53
It sure is. It lives up to its image in every way. One of my favorite personal possessions😉💪🏻


 By: amanico : September 18th, 2023-20:33

It hasn’t been easy…

 By: myles721 : September 19th, 2023-00:23

Man I like that watch!

 By: mjv : September 19th, 2023-05:44

You knew . . .

 By: Dr No : September 20th, 2023-15:35
. . . this was coming. Best from a Huntington Beach native, Art

Did you surf?

 By: myles721 : September 20th, 2023-17:18
I’ve seen that film a number of times!!! Wish I spent time on the west coast as a kid..

Actually, no. Loved the beach, but getting wet . . .

 By: Dr No : September 20th, 2023-18:04
. . . wasn't for me. It was pool halls or nothing even then, back in the early '70s. 🎱