Nice article, thanks for the share

Jul 05, 2024,18:36 PM

Oddly enough, getting back into Panerai this month after basically not wearing it for maybe 5+ years. Used to wear this piece almost daily. 

Visited the boutique in Vancouver as well last week or so and am strongly considering the 42mm submersible now. It looks awesome and the smaller sizing doesn’t compromise the design at all imo. 

This message has been edited by India Whiskey Charlie on 2024-07-05 18:39:17

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Comments: view entire thread 

Nice article, thanks for the share

By: m2 : July 5th, 2024-18:36
Oddly enough, getting back into Panerai this month after basically not wearing it for maybe 5+ years. Used to wear this piece almost daily. Visited the boutique in Vancouver as well last week or so and am strongly considering the 42mm submersible now. It ...  

Fantastic piece and article…I miss these Panerai pieces!!

By: gregcarraram3 : July 5th, 2024-20:45
This article has me thinking of grabbing a 372 and 1389…I think I have all the Omegas I want for now…

I really like the early 2000s ETA-based references such as the PAM00111 and the JLC-based PAM00190

By: techniec : July 6th, 2024-07:28
Just cool watches with a very distinctive look that were relatively reasonably priced. I used to own a Radiomir as well as a Submersible model back in the day. Haven't been keeping track of the company's more recent developments, but recently stumbled upo... 

Interesting article…

By: JL1NY : July 6th, 2024-11:58
Personally I found it a little self serving…And I’m curious about a watch that’s discussed in the article, wasn’t the SlyTech Black Seal 5218-218/A confirmed as being fake? Nevertheless, one can’t overlook the fact that Panerai has made some really bad ma...