And after many years....

Jan 09, 2024,12:46 PM

you start wondering if the obsession on Panerai is still justified, you wear one of these and the stars...realign. smile


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Oh yes, quintessential.

 By: amanico : January 9th, 2024-21:55


 By: hora12reborn : January 9th, 2024-16:19


 By: amanico : January 9th, 2024-16:40


 By: MTR : January 9th, 2024-21:17
convert to centimeters and the whole thing will look much better. 😎

thank you Sir :-)

 By: SALMANPK : January 9th, 2024-17:43

If I may....

 By: sergio : January 10th, 2024-01:46
the Pre-A models were manufactured in 1997...immediately after the sale to the Vendome group, with all the left over material, inherited from Panerai. That makes them...contemporary...of the Pre-V. The dials, infact, are the same as you can see in this pi...  

That's it. ;)

 By: amanico : January 10th, 2024-08:55

Simply perfection…

 By: MTR : January 9th, 2024-21:17

Always love a simple Pre-v

 By: Mech : January 10th, 2024-08:16
Haven't worn my, perhaps since the start of Covid LoL Mech. Happy New Year! ...  

I miss mine a lot, too...

 By: amanico : January 10th, 2024-08:55

No... stolen.

 By: amanico : January 10th, 2024-15:27

Glad you have one.

 By: John HS : February 11th, 2024-11:40
I smile too whenever I took out mine .