Something for the Wife

Aug 26, 2023,16:43 PM

There's a long story about my lovely wife and her ongoing desire for WorldTime clocks and timepieces. It's 'her thing'. So this arrived today from WatchBox. Montblanc wisely integrated (not module) their mods and the dialSSSSS are stunning in their appearance and in the way they move. My Muse and i have seen many, MANY worldtimers globally and this one, i feel, is one heck of a value and absolutely gorgeous to boot! She loves it, and in fact, we already have a strap custom-made for her smile

Imho it really does look stunning in person! Thankfully, the top bezel greatly protects the edge/side top crystal, which helps make it far less likely to be side-swipe chipped. The butterfly clasp strap crimping system makes it very safe too.

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Nice looking WT!

 By: TeutonicCarFan : August 26th, 2023-16:57

Nice to hear about that WT passion and congratulations on

 By: hora12reborn : August 26th, 2023-16:57
this Mont Blanc.

I've decided I'm my wife's muse.

 By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : August 26th, 2023-17:53
The montblanc having integrated WT is interesting!

Honestly Montblanc did a good job on that watch!

 By: patrick_y : August 26th, 2023-18:02
It's an integrated movement? I was under the impression it was a basic caliber with a module layer on top. Either way. A very cool watch and your wife will find a lot of use for it!

Yes basic SW300, yet read they created parts that integrate.

 By: enjoythemusic : August 26th, 2023-18:57
The center dial 'trick' allures, is useful, and something not seen on _____. That's what really made us take notice. Plus we feel it is a very nice WT piece in general, regardless of being a fine value proposition.

Ahh. Well they did a great job on it!

 By: patrick_y : August 27th, 2023-07:00
Big congrats to your spouse!

Thx my friend :)

 By: enjoythemusic : August 27th, 2023-11:20

Congrats from a fellow MB WT Owner

 By: SALMANPK : August 26th, 2023-19:11
It is one of my favorite watches, may you both enjoy it S ...  

Obligatory wrist pic. :)

 By: enjoythemusic : August 26th, 2023-23:43
Happy Wife Happy Life ...  

Custom Stingray Timepiece Strap

 By: enjoythemusic : September 15th, 2023-00:59
Update as her strap came in today. My wife loves loves loves it! ...