The reversible beauty of the Reverso sizes...

Mar 17, 2010,16:40 PM

While the Reverso shape has been basically the same during the years, the size of the case has been ever so different. From the very small vintages, the a bit bigger but still small classics, the rounded sports, the extra grand classics, to the square squadras!



One of my dreams is to one day having a vintage Reverso…
The black one JLC use to put in their print outs, the one with only minute and hour hands, and the only text written on the dial are “REVERSO”… You all know which one I am talking about!

Yes, that would be awesome! But it will probably be a dream that never comes true...



It is actually very strange that so similar watches feel so different on your wrist. Not only because of size and looks but also depending on your mood.



The Classic GT feels on a good day very nice and delicate. Discrete, almost like you have a treasure around your wrist that no one else knows about! J

On a bad day it feels small and anonymous. Almost as if you would be better without…


The Sport feels on a good day tough and with an edge. Bold and daring, especially with the grey dial! J
On a bad day it feels tiny and obsolete…


The Classic XGT feels on a good day like a superb classic, makes you feel like a real connoisseur! J

On a bad day it feels to big, like if you magnify some thing perfect out of proportions. L


The Squadra feels on a good day like you are on top of the world, here I am and I am in the game! J

On a bad day it feels like a brick, bouncing in to every thing, always in the way of everything. L


But I must confess – most days are a good day with a Reverso on your wrist! J



The Reverso has been fascinating watch nuts all over the world since it was born almost 80 years ago. What is it about the Reverso that makes us so fascinated?
I don’t know. When people ask me to describe the Reverso, the closest I have been able to compare it with is a Japanese zen garden.
With every move something conceals and something new reviles. Even tough the garden remains exactly the same it feels like its changing in infinite.






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Excellent post and pictures

 By: nwp627 : March 17th, 2010-16:58
I have never had a bad day wearing my Reverso either! N

Happy to hear that Nwp! :-)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : March 18th, 2010-10:45
Which size have you gone for? Best Blomman


 By: sancerre : March 17th, 2010-17:49
wonderful post, great report!

Thank you Sancerre!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : March 18th, 2010-10:45
Happy you liked it J Best Blomman

Blomman, you are really keeping me entertained!

 By: respo : March 17th, 2010-19:15
This is a great post because we rarely get to see the different sizes together like this. It is actually helpful for someone like me who is trying to figure out which is the best size Reverso for my wrist. Your family is a very nice representative set. I ... 

Respo – I suspect that there is no…

 By: blomman Mr Blue : March 18th, 2010-10:46
One perfect size. I think depending on mood/occasion you need more than one… But as I told you, if you ever finds the perfect one – please let me know! J The second photo J Yes, I was playing with the camera yesterday – inspired by Bruce... 

very cool! enjoyed the post. [nt]

 By: JMan : March 17th, 2010-21:46
No message body

Thanks Jman!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : March 18th, 2010-10:47
Happy you enjoyed J Best Blomman

Thanks Rob!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : March 18th, 2010-10:47
Yes, the classic GT is really a classical JLC. Actually that was my first JLC. J Best Blomman

If watches were perfect, they would be boring, Blomman.

 By: amanico : March 17th, 2010-23:35
From the wrist shots you posted, the XGT seems to be more appropriate to your wrist, which is big. But you can have fun with several sizes, if you want to dress up or down. That's the fun of your Reverso collection! As for a Vintage Reverso, why do you sa...  

Nicolas - You are right as always!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : March 18th, 2010-10:50
If you have the perfect watch, then it would be boring because then you have to find something else to obsess about… J I really love your vintage one – so beautiful! PM sent. Best and thank you for your kind words! Blomman

Hello Chew!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : March 18th, 2010-10:51
Glad you liked this post – I hope to see you with a new Reverso soon! J Best Blomman

Great post

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : March 18th, 2010-02:55
I was just craving for Reverso case size comparison and your post came just in perfect time Thank you so much Damian

Hello Damian!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : March 18th, 2010-10:51
Happy to oblige! J Hope you find the right size for you! Best

Stefan :-)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : March 18th, 2010-10:52
Yes indeed the beauty of the Reverso is dynamic! J Best Blomman