Ref. 2907

Jun 02, 2020,08:57 AM

Lately I’ve been wearing diving watches, but when I strap this one on...


I get back in time!



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Lovely! [nt]

 By: K-Lo : June 2nd, 2020-08:59

It is true that it depends of your wrist size

 By: renerod : June 2nd, 2020-13:09
But of course they deserve it! Gracias amigo mío. René

More or less the same size as mine!

 By: renerod : June 2nd, 2020-13:59
Beautiful piece also! With nice provenance? Best. René

Yes, a RAF one. [nt]

 By: amanico : June 2nd, 2020-14:15

By the way Nico, I like a lot your strap

 By: renerod : June 2nd, 2020-17:03
Not padded, simply elegant! Would you mind sharing the maker? Is it 16mm or 18mm? Best. René

Gracias amigo mío

 By: renerod : June 4th, 2020-11:22
I already have an olive canvas strap for it, but I’m always in the hunt for another pair of shoes Best regards. René

Great watch [nt]

 By: winther502 : June 2nd, 2020-09:31

Thanks a lot! [nt]

 By: renerod : June 2nd, 2020-13:09

Amazing! Have these still been produced after ww2?

 By: Reuven Malter : June 2nd, 2020-11:04
Love it! Thanks for sharing

That I don’t know for sure

 By: renerod : June 2nd, 2020-13:10
But this one is circa 1940. Thanks for looking. René

Thank you very much 🙏🏼

 By: renerod : June 2nd, 2020-13:11
Of course you may: it is 31mm. Thanks for looking. René

Three more shots in the sun

 By: renerod : June 2nd, 2020-17:06
The colors are so beautiful! Best. René ...  

Caramba. ;) [nt]

 By: amanico : June 2nd, 2020-23:06

Si! 👍🏼 [nt]

 By: renerod : June 4th, 2020-11:22

Thanks for looking Alex!

 By: renerod : June 8th, 2020-14:42
All the best too. René