If I remember it correctly, S stands for Southern Hemisphere Yoghi...

Mar 09, 2011,06:25 AM

So, you have the age of the moon in the northern and in the southern hemisphere.



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Let's go back to the Duometre à Q.L.

 By: amanico : March 7th, 2011-00:36
One year has passed, since JLC introduced the Duometre à Quantième Lunaire at the SIHH. It is time to go back to this watch, now. It was a big surprise for everybody, since we didn't expected something new in the Duometre family so soon. Indeed, the first...  

Duometre,oh Duometre....

 By: moc : March 7th, 2011-03:38
I don t know if you recall my initial sckeptical opinion on the QL.At first i wasn t disappointed but not quite convinced.....As you said a watch for Conosseurs,for Purists....it has an initial appeal because the Duo case and look are sooo appealing to th... 

I think the Duometre à Chronograph was preferred, because ...

 By: amanico : March 7th, 2011-06:24
We were ALL waiting for a Chorongraph of this importance, from JLC. So yes, the interest of the Duometre à Chronograph is more immediate, easier to get. You know Fate played a bad trick to me recently, but let me tell you that if I still had the Duom... 

Brillant Write up

 By: chintu : March 7th, 2011-04:48
Hi I am glad that you have brought out the true essence of the Duometre Lunaire. A few weeks ago I made an attempt to discuss the virtues of the Lunaire (in the context of what Mr.Journe spoke about chronometric accuracy in a watch and the limitations) an... 

See my answer above, Narsi.

 By: amanico : March 7th, 2011-06:29
Yes, the Lunaire is an under appreciated watch, because it may take a long time to understand it. A watch which needs some effort to be understood is something which pleases me a lot, though. I remember the first discussions I had with the JLC team when t... 

I cannot resist quoting from "Revolution"

 By: chintu : March 7th, 2011-09:19
A supplement was released by the Singapore published watch magazine "Revolution". It beautifully sums up the Duometre Lunaire. ( ref Issue: Asia 21 Supplement) Here it is QUOTE : "Traditionally watches that are paired with additional complications face on... 

Hi Nico, is the dual barrel solution unique to JLC?

 By: Echi : March 10th, 2011-19:59
I ask because it seems like a "simple and straightforward" solution to maintaining accuracy while being able to power all the other bells and whistles separately... of course, just because it's simple doesn't mean it's easy to do : )

As often in Life, " Simple " solutions are not the easiest things.

 By: amanico : March 10th, 2011-22:07
Simplicity requires a lot of work, research, thoughts, generally. Look, for example, at a Detective work. When he solves a mystery, you immediately think ": Wow, that sounds so simle, so logical, I don't get how I couldn't think about it before. ". Same i... 

Thanks, Nico. Also...

 By: Echi : March 10th, 2011-23:47
Since a lot of people are always harping about "accuracy", I'm thinking that this modular approach makes for an elegant platform that enables a watchmaker or watch repair person to isolate problems easier than if everything was being powered from one barr... 

Now, that is a thing I have to ask...

 By: amanico : March 11th, 2011-04:47
I've planned this question, and hopefully, will soon receive an answer. Best, Nicolas.

I, too, had wished the moonphase to be more accurate...

 By: watchme : March 7th, 2011-05:46
say, 500-years, but, as most people won't wear this watch continuously, and will need to reset, it probably doesn't matter - apart from the "because we can" factor of an ultra-precise moonphase (for that matter, why not try to miniturize the Atmos' moonph... 

" A perfect Purists Daily Watch " ...

 By: amanico : March 7th, 2011-06:32
I like that, Dean, because I'm strongly convinced that it is absolutely true. A watch which requires efforts to be fully understood then appreciated. That's is exactly the Duometre à Q.L. Come back to the topic when you have the opportunity to see it... 

The Duometre a Chronographe is a watch I would love to own

 By: donizetti : March 7th, 2011-07:33
with the Duometre a Q.L. I am not sure I can get over the discrepancy, mentioned by moc, between the slow change of the moon and the racing subseconds dial. Seconds is fine because that is the flow of time as I experience it but the subseconds is just too... 

Excatly, Andreas...

 By: amanico : March 7th, 2011-10:51
It may speak or not, it all dpeends on everyone's taste. If there wasn't this lightning second hand, some would complain, if it is on the dial of the Q.L, others will complain. It is impossible to make everyone happy. But, on a more serious note, yes, I s... 

This brand never ceases to amaze me...

 By: ocwatching : March 7th, 2011-10:40
along with a particular Parisian Moderator. I am still early in my JLC journey. It all started with a read on the MMR here on thePuristS. Now, this about the Duometre à Quantième Lunaire has further ignited my interest in this wonderful brand. That's part... 

If there was the Duometres, only ...

 By: amanico : March 7th, 2011-10:48
But there are a bunch of other interesting and tempting watches, at JLC... The Amvoxes, specially the 1 and 2, the Tributes, the Masters ( Memo / RDM, MR etc ... ), some Reversos, the MUTs, the Elusive Extrem Lab 1, or Gyro I or II... Hell is in Heaven. T... 

This is one...

 By: Baron - Mr Red : March 10th, 2011-08:43
....that has been calling to me for a while. Sorely tempted. Great exposition Nicolas.

Another magic post, Nicolas! :)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : March 7th, 2011-11:56
It’s post like this that feeds our dreams! Great photos and write up of a stunning watch! Man, you know I like clean dials but when it comes to a watch like this… I would make an exception in a heartbeat! Of the two different versions I prefer the RG. For... 

Hey, Blomman...

 By: amanico : March 7th, 2011-12:19
The calibre number is on the non limited edition Duometres dials. On the LEs, the number of the LE is on the dial. On the YG and WG Duometres, not on the platinum or RG ones. You got it? Like you, I love a lot the grained dials of the RG and platinum, but... 

Aha, I get it!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : March 7th, 2011-12:29
So, maybe a way to push for a “less” popular metal..? PL + black dial?! Yes! The only thing I think is less fortunate with that combination is the non grained dial… I really love the grained dial! Best, my friend Blomman

I still can't see any pictures of your post Nicolas...

 By: Goh : March 8th, 2011-03:37
but a very nice read nonetheless. I would have wished for a more accurate MP but 3 years is good enough for me. I am looking forward to hear your thoughts on the WG Duometre QL. Which would be your pick between the WG Duometre Chrono & WG Duometre QL? Bes... 

Well, Goh

 By: amanico : March 8th, 2011-03:47
Try to register to imageshack, my friend. We'll see if it changes something. What I can't get is that some can see my pics, others not. As for your question on the Duometre a Chrono in WG and the Duometre à Q.L in WG, tough question... I would say the Duo... 

Worked for me...

 By: fuigo : March 8th, 2011-17:43
I just registered and kept myself logged in. All the photos posted can be seen for me now.

First off...

 By: SamEE : March 8th, 2011-15:03
I really like how this watch looks. Very elegant, I like the skeletonization of the dail. The moon phase is different, and it is calming. like others have said before me, it doesn't matter how accurate the moonphase is since a person would not use it cont... 

Thanks for your input, Sam. [nt]

 By: amanico : March 8th, 2011-23:08
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Why is there an S in the full moon?

 By: yoghi : March 9th, 2011-03:02
I find it intriguing

If I remember it correctly, S stands for Southern Hemisphere Yoghi...

 By: amanico : March 9th, 2011-06:25
So, you have the age of the moon in the northern and in the southern hemisphere. Best, Nicolas.

ok, thanks

 By: yoghi : March 9th, 2011-08:34
I hope you can still wear it in the northern tough... ;-0

Your report brings up a question I have had

 By: docsnov : March 9th, 2011-15:28
bouncing around in my head. How many people with moonphase watches actually set them every time the watch has not been worn and needs winding and time setting, etc? I do not wear my moonphase watch regularly, and in fact have never set the moonphase. I en... 

You've just hit the nail, Stewart.

 By: amanico : March 9th, 2011-23:15
That is why I am not really a big fan of the moonphase, when this complication doesn't come with a perpetual calendar. Setting it all the time with the help of a moonphase calendar you have to find on the net is really a bit too fastidious, for me. But I ... 

I know I must have just missed it...

 By: aaronm : March 9th, 2011-19:20
but what does the button do? A

Change the date I believe... [nt]

 By: moc : March 9th, 2011-22:57
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The date, Aaron. [nt]

 By: amanico : March 9th, 2011-23:10
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That makes sense...

 By: aaronm : March 10th, 2011-07:08
is there a hidden pusher for the moonphase? a

2 more considerations on the QL

 By: moc : March 9th, 2011-23:08
First,the accuracy of the moonphase is not important I believe on such a watch:I mean ,it would ve been nice to have more teeth,but it's accurate enough here.Just think about how many times you are gonna change your watch,almost everytime you 'll need to ... 

Of course they both run all the time, and yes, you have to wind the watch

 By: amanico : March 9th, 2011-23:20
Clockwise and anti clockwise regularly. But it is a real pleasure to see these 2 power reserve hands moving up when you wind the watch! Best, Mo. Nicolas.

There is a lot to comprehend about this watch. But...

 By: Ruckdee : March 11th, 2011-01:13
...thanks to its chronograph predecessor and your thorough illustration understanding has become much easier. I have a question for you by the way. The two power reserve indicators appear to me in photographs as if they are "floating" freely. Are those tw... 

The pointers donot move

 By: chintu : March 11th, 2011-03:54
The triangular plates ( skeleton) where the reserve hours are etched, actually move. The indicator hands are actually stationery. When you wind the watch you will see the plates moving. regds. narsi

Thanks for this great in-depth review.

 By: respo : March 11th, 2011-05:55
The Q.L. is a dream watch in many respects. I am not sure if I prefer the new solid black dial version. In any case, I had not realized the double hacking seconds and foudroyante feature. I lvoe that. I hope that zeroing hacking feature migrates to other ... 

I had the opportunity to spend a good amount of time with..

 By: ocwatching : March 11th, 2011-10:42
both of the Duometre at the Boutique..and I have to be honest. I came away "nervous" after seeing the black dialed Fudroyante at work. (love that term) When I saw it in the case, I was immediately drawn to the black dial Q.L. However, the constantly movin... 

The Duometre à Chronograph is indeed an easier to understand watch.

 By: amanico : March 11th, 2011-10:46
While the Duometre à Q.L needs more time to fully appreciate it. Are you more a Chronometer or a Chronograph guy? This question is important, too, at the moment of the choice. Thanks for your feedback, Phil. Best, Nicolas.

A very interesting overview of this Duometer

 By: Mark in Paris : March 31st, 2011-14:57
I really like the Chornograph and I didn't know what to think about the QL : Was it enough compared to the chrono we knew ? Your review is really relevant and make me appreciate it more, Thank you ! Mark.

Thanks for your input, Mark.

 By: amanico : March 31st, 2011-22:15
There is a lot to discover and to love, on this watch. It just takes some time. Chrono or Q.L? Better, I fear that the good answer is ... Both. Best, Nicolas.

Late second thoughts & views .. Inspired by great revisit of yours ! :)

 By: hs111 : April 1st, 2011-22:36
Well what can I say - what a nice but pretty complex read - So some thoughts to the process, quite personal ones, not as an expert for this wonderful piece, more that of a scholar, I guess: This happens to be one of the reviews or updates, I tend to have ... 

You got it, hs... That is the exact spirit of the Duometre à Q.L.

 By: amanico : April 1st, 2011-22:47
A Duality between our human time, nervous, changing fast, which needs to be precise, and the lunar time, quiet, would I say .... Serene? My friend, if you come to Paris, I will find one to show you. It is the best solution. To feel it is another experienc... 

Oui, Merci .. How nice ! :))

 By: hs111 : April 1st, 2011-23:02
Thank you, for your kind and generous words, Simply had written what I felt with your so nice review. - And: Yes, indeed - not to long any more, looking forward to that, (would be absolutely great, really..), Best, also for your weekend, Ahh - Spring by n... 

so great pic,White gold come on [nt]

 By: fisher789 : April 2nd, 2011-02:20
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Soon, soon. :) [nt]

 By: amanico : April 2nd, 2011-02:22
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