DC Metro and Reverso — love the vibe!

May 15, 2024,11:25 AM

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Very smart!

 By: GWIS : May 15th, 2024-12:50
All the best, Jon

That's one lovely model

 By: Arronax : May 15th, 2024-13:05
Wonderful shades of blue and purple depending on the light. I love blue and thought this may end up being my first reverso, then the red came out and I was even more smitten. On the positive side I didnt spend a penny! ;-)

Looking good !

 By: Aquaracer1 : May 15th, 2024-13:15
For me this, always seems like the Reverso to own


 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : May 15th, 2024-17:54


 By: orahu : May 15th, 2024-20:14

Elegant casual Reverso.

 By: hora12reborn : May 15th, 2024-19:28