Flieger Friday

May 19, 2023,19:25 PM

Who else is sporting a pilot's watch today?

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GMT Master II.

 By: Champthekid : May 19th, 2023-21:09
Enter text ...  

Wearing this one the past couple days.

 By: Steve E : May 19th, 2023-22:42
I've been trying a shell strap,,but seeing this pic makes me think the strap is a little weak. ...  

I agree...

 By: India Whiskey Charlie : May 19th, 2023-23:53
You need to try one of these straps: ...  

Not sure if it's leather or synthetic but...

 By: India Whiskey Charlie : May 20th, 2023-19:06
It was first seen on a ceramic Big Pilot: bigpilot.watch ...  

I think this qualifies

 By: cazalea : May 19th, 2023-23:08
And I was checking flight schedules to Anchorage, so I must need a pilot’s watch, right? Cazalea ...  

It sure does

 By: India Whiskey Charlie : May 19th, 2023-23:54
Someday I hope IWC makes a proper Mark XI re-issue without an association.