Your first picture

Nov 17, 2010,01:20 AM

and your first sentence, "The silence is deafening" are a perfect match.

Thanks for the post.


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A Solitary Watchmaker: Bernhard Zwinz.

 By: 219 : November 16th, 2010-13:41
The silence is deafening. Not a sound; not a whisper, Bernhard Zwinz is a man of silent passion. His passion is watchmaking and he has settled himself in the VallĂ©e de Joux to pursue his craft at an atelier that bears his name. The last time I met Bernhar...  

Thanks Andrew

 By: Quan : November 16th, 2010-23:08
cant wait for the best part though....LOL

Your first picture

 By: RJW : November 17th, 2010-01:20
and your first sentence, "The silence is deafening" are a perfect match. Thanks for the post. Regards, Richard.

Thanks for this introduction ...

 By: AndrewD : November 17th, 2010-03:00
... to Bernhard and his work. Fantastic to see someone who appreciates the history of horology and, indeed, embraces it. I can't wait to read and see more. Thanks! Andrew

Thanks Andrew

 By: aldossari_faisal : November 17th, 2010-03:10
such an interesting story... looking forward for the material chapters of the story . and looking forward for more pics... so yes im stayin TUNED Faisal

beside the writing

 By: aldossari_faisal : November 22nd, 2010-23:56
Dont forget to add more pics as well . Thanks in advance. Faisal

As said elsewhere, Andrew....

 By: pplater : November 17th, 2010-03:32
... your efforts in breaking this news to us are very much appreciated, and the next instalments are eagerly awaited. It is this kind of contact, and insight, that enables the rest of us to ride 'at the front of the bus' to the world of Independent watchm... 

Many thanks for the kind words; the journey is made

 By: 219 : November 22nd, 2010-14:24
all the better to have friends along with me. A priviledge on my part to be driving for part of the way. Cheers Andrew H

wonderful, thanks! (nt)

 By: ei8htohms : November 17th, 2010-04:35

Hi John - good to see you here and thanks for commenting.

 By: 219 : November 22nd, 2010-14:31
Will be interested to see what you think of parts 2 and 3. Andrew H

Didn't you write about him years ago

 By: Hororgasm : November 23rd, 2010-10:41
It seems strangely familiar

thanks for post

 By: dreamer8 : November 17th, 2010-05:21
and bringing it to our attention.

A fine introduction

 By: amerix : November 17th, 2010-07:09
Andrew, to a watchmaker that we have rarely caught sight of - or even heard about - here. Thanks a lot - and hungry for more! from corn & flower Amery - less abrasive than emery, but every bit as genuine

Nice introduction ...

 By: small-luxury-world : November 17th, 2010-07:22
ready for Part II ... Thanks! Oliver

A wonderful introduction....

 By: Darren : November 17th, 2010-07:48
this is what makes the world of independent horology so much fun. Sounds like Bernard has a perfect background for his new venture. Can't wait to see some of his ideas come to fruition. Thanks for introducing us. Darren

Thank you fro the introduction....

 By: DonCorson : November 17th, 2010-08:59
and looking forward to more ("the best") soon. Don

Thanks a lot Andrew for this presentation ! [nt]

 By: foversta : November 17th, 2010-11:39
No message body

Most intrigued!

 By: patrick_y : November 17th, 2010-12:01
The accomplished race car driver, Mika Hakkinen has a pet tortoise. He often claims that he tries to be as stubborn as his pet tortoise. The tortoise is indeed a very stubborn animal that will patiently accomplish its goal. I too have a fascination and re... 

Great Story

 By: Tony A.H : November 17th, 2010-15:44
thanks for sharing. wow. it takes to make a whole Clock from Scratch in order to Graduate from Watch Making School.!! Man that's Tough, but he made it with Honor. .. Best of Luck to Mr Zwinz would love to see more of his Work.! Tony

Horological repository- fantastic

 By: Ophiuchus : November 17th, 2010-19:04
Articles like this are the sole reason why I joined the PuristS community. I can find articles and reviews on any watches many places. Few places, however, in fact nowhere other than here, offer me what I really want- deep, personal information on the lif... 

Thanks for sharing

 By: grumio : November 17th, 2010-19:50
Have been really enjoying your 'watchmakers and their workshop' posts lately.

Superior Watchmaker...

 By: Curtis : November 17th, 2010-20:19
Hi Andrew, Wonderful introduction for a superior watchmaker. Bernhard is top shelf and I look forward to the rest of your report. Cheers, Curtis

Fantastic, Andrew. I can't wait for more!!! [nt]

 By: CaliforniaJed : November 18th, 2010-08:58
No message body

Bernhard Zwinz with the solitary sign: "Atelier"

 By: MTF : November 18th, 2010-18:57
219, That photo says it all! A man holding up a sign: "Atelier" Thanks for the update on a watchmaker we only knew as "Dufour's little engine who could", during the making of the Simplicity series. Regads, MTF