Outstanding, my friend

Nov 20, 2023,20:08 PM

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Some watches are just built perfect

 By: Mohannad (aka Riddler) : November 20th, 2023-19:03
The parmigiani tonda PF in Rose gold ...

Good looking.

 By: hora12reborn : November 20th, 2023-19:05

Parmigiani build quality is second to none. And better than most.

 By: MichaelC : November 20th, 2023-19:36
I have come very close these past few years and that wait will end very soon. Many models have almost made me jump, but a word here or a date there has kept me out. Yours is in the "just right" category

Looks perfect for your wrist!

 By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : November 20th, 2023-20:05

Outstanding, my friend

 By: aperna : November 20th, 2023-20:08

The black and gold is striking...

 By: mdg : November 21st, 2023-00:59
...especially with that bezel...

I love my pf gt chrono

 By: shafran : November 21st, 2023-10:01

I love that reference!

 By: MiguelFlash : November 22nd, 2023-02:41


 By: shafran : November 22nd, 2023-10:09

Very nice looking piece.

 By: TheMadDruid : November 22nd, 2023-21:22
Parmigiani makes some terrific watches. This is one of them.

Classy and cool 😎

 By: Mike H : November 23rd, 2023-10:30
Really beautiful one 👍👌👌, congrats 👏👏