Nothing would please me more tthan to visit and see firsthand your world class collection. A great story and a beautiful watch! Where it in good health my friend warmest regards, Tony [nt]

Nov 10, 2020,16:51 PM

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This watch has a nice story. It’s my Ochs und Junior Day Night. They are custom made to one’s specifications. The lovely part is that it was made by

 By: edtonkin : November 10th, 2020-16:48
Kevin Hoffmann; the son of Patrik Hoffman. You may recall that Patrik was CEO of Ulysse Nardin for many years. I have been friends with him also for many years; both he and Rolf Schnyder. I used to stay at Patrik’s home when his 3 boys were very little. T...  

And thank you, sincerely. [nt]

 By: edtonkin : November 10th, 2020-17:36

That’s a great tale! [nt]

 By: nacelle : November 10th, 2020-20:35

Maybe my fav O

 By: Watchonthewrists : November 11th, 2020-03:03
Excellent choice my friend

Ed, you have many special watches but this one may exceed them all.

 By: Jay (Eire) : November 11th, 2020-05:57
The backstory is great. Very special.

Wonderful story.

 By: Moana43 : November 11th, 2020-06:10
I have long been fascinated by the day/night -- truly an amazing piece.

Lovely story, Ed

 By: ChristianDK : November 12th, 2020-00:09
And a very cool watch. I find their philosophy very sympathetic ,Ochs make a wonderful product. I do regret the departure of Beat, who I had the pleasure of meeting a few times.