My collection is aprox 40 watches but thats from A swatch till high end.

Feb 26, 2020,02:26 AM

Still like them all . There are maybe a few i can let go but then again i know i will replace them for others that are on my wishlist 😬 i know , i am a watch addict 😫

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My next step

 By: MTR : February 25th, 2020-08:56
to consolidate my collection and raise the quality and joy. My Moser Purity Perpetual in WG with black/dark blue fume dial. 42 mm. Perfect fit due to the curved shape of the case and the lugs. 7 days PR and a very reduced appearance. What a watch!! 3 watc...  

Congrats and brave move .

 By: Watchonthewrists : February 25th, 2020-09:09
This Moser is a great and beautiful watch . I wish i could consolidate my collection . Will do so in the future but can’t part from them yet

True. It is not always easy for a collector to separate from his watches.

 By: MTR : February 25th, 2020-12:27
After all we have bought/acquired these pieces some time ago for good reasons. What helps me: when I don‘t wear a watch for many months. And when I put it on just because of bad conscience I don‘t feel real joy and often miss another watch. That - for me ... 

I totally understand your point,

 By: Watchonthewrists : February 25th, 2020-12:33
My policy is the same for a watch , when i strap it on the wrist and look at the watch and it doesn’t bring a smile on my face anymore then its time to let it go . But for now i have a lot of ,,grail,, watches in my collection who all bring a huge smile o... 

Then you are definitely a lucky man and

 By: MTR : February 25th, 2020-13:57
perhaps you shouldn’t consolidate? How large is your collection of „grail watches“ if I may ask?

My collection is aprox 40 watches but thats from A swatch till high end.

 By: Watchonthewrists : February 26th, 2020-02:26
Still like them all . There are maybe a few i can let go but then again i know i will replace them for others that are on my wishlist 😬 i know , i am a watch addict 😫

Watch addicts...

 By: MTR : February 29th, 2020-16:54
.... yes, that’s what we are... My collection now is much smaller than 40. I have it reduced to 12 watches now. Best Thomas

A solid move.

 By: Lankysudanese : February 25th, 2020-09:21
That is stealth ‘substance’ on your wrist

Thanks a lot, Lankysudanese!

 By: MTR : February 25th, 2020-12:28
Indeed, it also wears substantially. Best Thomas

Dear FabR, exactly!

 By: MTR : February 25th, 2020-12:31
I have to confess, that the 3 watches partly fund the new acquisition. I still had to pay a relevant amount... Best Thomas

There might be a point where

 By: MTR : February 25th, 2020-12:36
full personal satisfaction is reached, where you don‘t want anything more and are happy with what you have. I feel this point comes closer and closer. Best Thomas

Mine, too!

 By: MTR : February 25th, 2020-12:38
I have made quite a lot of research work. In my humble opinion this is one of the best PCs out there. Thank you ☺️ Best Thomas


 By: Brandon Skinner : February 25th, 2020-10:16


 By: MTR : February 25th, 2020-12:40
🔨 🔨 🔨 😁 Best Thomas

My dealer said it is so pure

 By: MTR : February 25th, 2020-12:43
that quite a lot customers didn’t want to buy it in this price category. The reason: you don‘t see at a glance that it has its price and therefore it is too much under the radar. I love that! Best Thomas

Yes, therefore I appreciate this brand!

 By: MTR : February 25th, 2020-12:50
I bought a Moser Henry approximately 5 years ago. At this time I loved the complication (double hairspring) and design of this model but was worried if this independent watchmaker was able to produce robust, reliable watches. Indeed I had some small issue... 

Yes, indeed!

 By: MTR : February 26th, 2020-13:26
Best Thomas ...  

A fantastic watch.

 By: jlux : February 25th, 2020-11:19
For me the most desirable perpetual calendar on the market!

Too kind, jlux!

 By: MTR : February 25th, 2020-12:51
And yes, I feel the same. 😊 Best Thomas

Dear Maltie,

 By: MTR : February 25th, 2020-12:18
this is to a large extent your merit!! I am so thankful for your hint where to find a brandnew, completely unworn Moser Perpetual Purity for an acceptable price. Just 50 pieces have been made. Worldwide. I also was aible to sell some of my watches to part... 

Dear Thomas, thank you so much for your kind words, it was a pleasure to be helpful

 By: Maltie : February 26th, 2020-00:42
And count on it that we will meet one day in Vienna. All the best my friend and enjoy the 29th in a few days.

I am looking forward to your visit, and

 By: MTR : February 29th, 2020-14:08
it would be a great pleasure to welcome you in Vienna! Best Thomas

You made a brave but excellent move imo

 By: Mike H : February 25th, 2020-13:52
There was a time when I was accumulating (too) many watches without appreciating enough each of them. I was acquiring and selling too many too fast without enough thinking about where I want to go. And (very) slowly I became wiser and decided that less is... 

„Choosing is renouncing“...

 By: MTR : February 27th, 2020-03:08
Very wise words, dear Mike! I would be very interested which are your grail watches? Yes, this Moser is really fascinating.... You know Edouard Meylan personally? I think he makes a great job! All the best for you and thank you very much for your kind wor... 

Less is more and I think this understated Moser PC exhibits this virtue perfectly

 By: emcquillan : February 25th, 2020-22:21
I’ve slowly been undergoing a similar process with a few hobbies. Very beautiful PC. Congrats!

Very interesting, dear emcquillan!

 By: MTR : February 27th, 2020-03:18
That means this attitude is your life philosophy? Best Thomas

More of something I’m striving towards

 By: emcquillan : February 27th, 2020-07:48
And often unsuccessfully . But at least I’m aware of what I want... to unclutter my surroundings and my mind to focus on what is important.

To focus on what is important...

 By: MTR : February 28th, 2020-15:15
Wonderfully said!

Wow! The most discreet PC I know.

 By: jkvs : February 26th, 2020-09:22
I wish I could be as consistent as you... Well done!

Thank you, jkvs!

 By: MTR : February 27th, 2020-03:14
It is not so difficult to be consistent if you recognize that the reward to wear a few watches you REALLY LOVE is much higher than to have a huge collection of luke warm pieces. Best Thomas