Looking very familiar πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ˜‰

May 19, 2019,20:03 PM

A fantastic watch indeed!

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Sunny day, bright watch

 By: Watch_time_it_is : May 18th, 2019-13:20
HAGW ...  

Gorgeous watch!

 By: Bounce781 : May 18th, 2019-13:58
Congrats. Love D&S

Very neat Dornbluth, I've never seen that one.

 By: M4 : May 18th, 2019-13:58
The color accents against the white dial are quite eye-catching. The hands are superb as well. M4

Never seen this version either...

 By: Mike H : May 18th, 2019-14:44
These DornblΓΌth have an incredible presence, I like it a lot . Big congrats and wear it in the best of health ! Mike

Have not seen either

 By: mark1958a : May 18th, 2019-14:56
I do really like it... are these available?

Don’t believe they are available.

 By: Watch_time_it_is : May 18th, 2019-15:25
Limited edition for collectors group.

Looking very familiar πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ˜‰

 By: KMII : May 19th, 2019-20:03
A fantastic watch indeed!

Neither have I,until now. (nt)

 By: Ronald Held : May 19th, 2019-12:46