Given enough time and study I can copy Breguet, Journe, Smith, etc.

Oct 18, 2020,15:02 PM

...It doesn't make me a great watchmaker. It makes me a technician, not necessarily an artist.

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Hands on review of Remy Cool's Tourbillon Souscription

 By: foversta : October 18th, 2020-13:26
I met Rémy Cools for the first time two years ago, during the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the FP. Journe boutique in Paris. The location of this meeting was hardly surprising since Rémy had just won the "Young Talent Competition" organised on t...  

Good for him...

 By: mdg : October 18th, 2020-13:30
...but too derivative for me.

Given enough time and study I can copy Breguet, Journe, Smith, etc.

 By: mdg : October 18th, 2020-15:02
...It doesn't make me a great watchmaker. It makes me a technician, not necessarily an artist.

Very little that is truly new in the world of horological design

 By: Cozmopak : October 18th, 2020-19:40
Smith copies Daniels. Daniels copies Breguet. Breguet copies Lepine. Yet each maker puts a little bit of their own DNA into their work. No one is reinventing the wheel.

I agree...

 By: mdg : October 18th, 2020-21:04
...but I don't see anything added here...sorry.

Thanks for the detailed review FX.

 By: gadalex : October 18th, 2020-14:19
I hope to see this in the metal one day soon. I find it interesting that several young French watchmakers are blazing a path at the moment although one can't help but notice a convergent aesthetic. (Clockwise form top left: Cyril Brivet-Naudot, Theo Auffr...  

Very interesting.

 By: Cozmopak : October 18th, 2020-14:55
Have these makers shared similar training pathways?

So I double checked quickly

 By: gadalex : October 18th, 2020-15:05
Lecomte is a professor of horology at Lycee Edgar Faure in Morteau, France; the other three watchmakers all studied there. Regards, Baruch

I wonder whether Lecomte

 By: Cozmopak : October 18th, 2020-15:31
is the source of their inspiration.

Not an impossibility

 By: gadalex : October 18th, 2020-15:38
Some more info on the school

The lecomte is imo BY FAR the most interesting

 By: Bruno.M1 : October 18th, 2020-23:50
TBH I don't know the Brivet Naudot. And I do like the Cools and Auffret ...... BUT BUT BUT ... the price ??? . First of all If you just started I don't think you need to start with a tourbillon. Could be me but tourbillons are getting too common and defin... 

Thank you for detailed review FX

 By: JTCL : October 18th, 2020-20:50
I appreciate the craftmanship and technicality. I am not sure about the choice of "souscription", that gold frosted dial and the tourbillon as a first watch, I have heard that combo somewhere else already I also forsee the crown area with those nooks and ... 

Superb review Francois Xavier!!

 By: sham1 : October 18th, 2020-22:52
If I had a 85k euros burning a hole in my pocket,, this would definitely be a watch I would consider together with a Voutilainen 28E, an Akrivia A-06 (only one remaining!) and the forthcoming Rexhep Chronometre Contemporain Part 2. And here lies the probl... 

Cool watch

 By: WatchEater : October 19th, 2020-02:47
But at that price point I think the competition is tough.