Czapek Service Amazing

May 21, 2024,02:06 AM

My Czapek suffered an unusual mechanical issue. The hacking lever broke. Since I have known Mike Margolis from way back on Timezone and he is the Czapek US rep, I emailed him about what to do. He suggested I send him a photo of the papers with the serial number. He checked it out and let me know it was still under warranty so the repair should be covered. He took care of everything including updating me along the process. During its return to the States, its aftermarket gator strap was seized. Czapek took responsibility and sent a new Czapek strap also free. It is such a charming watch, but the way the company treats its owners is outstanding.

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That's excellent to hear.

 By: indignantdenial : May 21st, 2024-03:20
I've been interested in a QdB for a while, so this gives me good reason to like Czapek. Great story, thank you for sharing that.

Wow, that is excellent service.

 By: enjoythemusic : May 21st, 2024-10:54
If there's one thing over the decades in horology i've learned, it is that many are always very happy to sell you ____, yet when it comes to timely servicing they make you wait 3 to 6(!) months. Czapek is doing things right. Bravo Czapek!

Great customer service all around!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : May 21st, 2024-10:58

Thanks for the info

 By: Mike H : May 21st, 2024-12:17
It is probably a usual human behavior to always complain when something goes wrong but considering it is normal when it goes right. Actually I believe some people or brands are taking care of others better the average and it is great to praise them and ac... 

Totally confirm Capek excellent service ..but not only !!!

 By: Gis : May 21st, 2024-18:09
As proud owner of an Antartique I can confirm the excellent service by Czapek ..:but honestly , more importantly , you have an amazing watch !! I tried myself 2/3 times that watch and it is one of the best dial on the market !! You can have a Patek , CC ,... 

Thanks Gis

 By: roundel : May 22nd, 2024-02:10
The watch is so charismatic. The power reserve/ day of the week is both ingenious and flawed. Once you accept that it’s no problem that the watch will wind down sometime on Sunday, it’s charming to wind to the correct day when you happen to select it to w... 

A little slow coming around here but

 By: mikemargolis : June 6th, 2024-13:08
So happy that we were able to help you out, and thank you for your kind words. The Golden Rule wins again.