Hey everyone! I'm super excited to share some photos of my recent addition, the Hublot Big Bang Unico Titanium Rainbow🌈. Hublot describes this amazing timepiece as "a stroke of daring, a stroke of brilliance," which I think captures its essence perfectly....
I couldn't ever pull off the look -- it's just too much for me -- but I think it's a very visually pleasing design. The watch definitely screams out; and you can't avoid noticing it. Both straps are nice, but the gray one better allows attention to focus ...
I have been wearing a lot the Hublot Spirit of Big Bang Magic Red which is also pretty bold so may fits my latest acquisitions! is bold, but actually not that much not being in Gold. I like your opinion on the straps. Both are great but the grey does tone...
to live in Switzerland, so that alleviates the issue to some extent. Otherwise, I'd never be able to pull off wearing that watch on the rainbow strap, it would have to be the grey one, and even then I'd be far too self-conscious about it most of the time....
...people leave their phones, keys, laptops, etc. at the Starbucks and go outside for 20 minutes to smoke a cigarette. I saw it every day. Very few people put a lock on their bicycles...
I regularly see people with much more expensive (OK but perhaps not as flashy but still Richard MIlle, Nautiluses etc.) watches around. But I guess it depends on lifestyle too, I don't really go in dangerous places. Sad that in many countries there is not...
I like the hour hand and the minute hand! I'm only kidding, I love rainbow watches, enjoy greatly and wear in good health! 🌈 P.S. The first strap is my pick for sure!
I like both, the people are asked are also leaning toward the rainbow as fitting perfectly..but I find the racing grey makes me feel a bit less guilty 😅I even imagine it makes it more understated
I first tried the watch in a boutique and then went to my trusted AD which toned it down with the grey. Initially I thought I was trying the wrong watch! I love the quick changing strap system, I find it (for any brand) truly amazing as it opens to so man...
It's of course way out of my budget but if I could afford it I would wear it without a doubt. Both straps are gorgeous and completely change the look of the watch. Wear it in the best of health and congrats again.