Wow, I have the marmite à chocolats which rings very loud. :)))

Dec 24, 2011,05:08 AM

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Will you be wearing a special Christmas watch?

 By: AndrewD : December 24th, 2011-03:18
Hi All, A perfect Christmas eve has already arrived here. Which watch will you be wearing for the Christmas celebrations? There is one watch for me that has the right combination of light and celebration, and I will get some photos of it for you on Christ... 

No Xmas celebration, hence no special watch.

 By: amanico : December 24th, 2011-03:20
But now, you gave me an idea. Will certainly come back later. Best, Nicolas.

yes, for me

 By: donizetti : December 24th, 2011-03:25
The Richard Lange on Christmas day. This is almost a tradition by now. It is my "festive" watch anyway so it fits, and my mother has a family heritage Lange Savonette Pocketwatch that she usually wears on Christmas. Happy holidays to you and yours, Andrea...  

For me bells for Xmas...

 By: PoyFR : December 24th, 2011-05:05

I see, you want my bells in there hein? ;-) [nt]

 By: PoyFR : December 24th, 2011-05:09
No message body

Love this...

 By: Andy : December 24th, 2011-06:04
how often do you and Nico set of the chime..? I'd be setting it off constantly if I had one Perfect piece for Xmas. Andy.

A repeater is a real pleasure...

 By: PoyFR : December 24th, 2011-09:29
I set it as often as I can. But the best is early morning when I wake up (often in the middle of the night), and instead of guessing what time it is, I simply pull down the lever and it goes... it is every time a bit like listening to paradise's sound. Li... 

Believe me I would love one....

 By: Andy : December 24th, 2011-13:22
but that silly thing called money stops me from getting one...I have no family so that's not the issue just the silly amount they cost..!!! LOL Maybe one day as it's the only dream on my list that I would LOVE to get For now I make do with playing with Ni... 


 By: PoyFR : December 24th, 2011-23:01
that silly thing has been the game almost since there are men on this planet. Some are more fortunate than other but in truth there are no winners apart from illusions. Anyway back on the topic... If you want this repetition badly, maybe you have enough w... 

These are very interesting words, POY. BUT...

 By: amanico : December 25th, 2011-00:08
Do you know many collectors who ever considered to let go a part of their watches for a new one? On another side, for the Grail, don't play the mongrel. I'm feeling like a poet, this morning... Best, Nicolas

For the ultimate, why not? ...

 By: PoyFR : December 25th, 2011-01:00
You can always kid on yourself at least for awhile ;-) Seriously, nowaday who can be sure of anything? what's better one for ever, or plenty to hide. So you are a poet hein, mongrel... LOL

RMLOL. Difficult question.

 By: amanico : December 25th, 2011-01:21
I was on to sell all my Pannies to go for a certain 6152 4 lines.... It would have been without regrets, as the 6152 4 lines has always been THE Vintage Panerai, the one to get, with the 6154. But it didn't work as I wanted.... Sadly. Now that doesnb't me... 

LOL...interesting idea..!!

 By: Andy : December 26th, 2011-04:28
I don't think my dealer would be very happy with me if I did that...and they know where I live I think the best I could get is a vintage repeater clock or maybe a simple alarm if JLC finally do a sporty one that isn't tied into either a car or the Navy Se... 

I wanted to wear something green...

 By: SJX : December 24th, 2011-05:50
Merry Christmas all! This message has been edited by SJX on 2011-12-24 05:51:03...  


 By: KIH : December 24th, 2011-06:40
You got that? Wow, let me see in detail next time! Ken

Definitely will do so! [nt]

 By: SJX : December 25th, 2011-02:19
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How do you like that Citizen? I liked the look

 By: docsnov : December 24th, 2011-23:51
of the watch from the first time I saw it. I thought maybe it could be my first world timer, although I imagine it might be hard to find one. Stewart

Very cool piece of kit

 By: SJX : December 25th, 2011-02:18
Wonderfully executed in terms of quality and design, though the interface is a bit clunky; the manual is very long and tedious. - SJX

SJX, for a moment I got my threads and posts

 By: docsnov : December 25th, 2011-20:38
mixed up and thought you were describing the minion from the Cartier thread Your reply actually would work in that context as well Stewart

An obvious one but I love it....

 By: Andy : December 24th, 2011-05:51
Happy Xmas to all who are celebrating it Andy....  

For me it has to be something new...

 By: andrewluff : December 24th, 2011-14:51
A Christmas present to myself which I will be unwrapping and wearing tomorrow......  

This one, as it's just returned from the "spa"

 By: Bry_j1 : December 24th, 2011-22:41
It was out for a while, but has return and now working it's way back into the rotation. -Brycej

I am deciding between two possibilities.

 By: docsnov : December 25th, 2011-00:01
Number 1 because I just got it back from the repair shop and Number 2 because I haven't worn it in a while. Every time I think I am going to wear the Breguet I end up with the VC or AP on my wrist. I am leaning toward the Breguet. It needs some love and s...  

Most definitely! Dad's . . .

 By: Dr No : December 25th, 2011-13:28
. . . '65 Seiko Sea Lion . . . . . . has been on my wrist since Thursday, when the folks celebrated their 55th anniversary....  

When you wear a watch you really like

 By: JerryW : December 25th, 2011-21:06
it is like Chrismas every day, even if you do not celebrate Christmas. My AP on my wrist always makes me smile. JerryW

True, there is no place like home!

 By: cazalea : December 26th, 2011-09:38
After 4 days with family, staying in a dark little room under the eaves, with no internet, no mobile phone reception and no modern conveniences (like music or television or heated Toto seat), it's nice to be home. We were not lacking everything, as we had...  

Here was my 'Christmas Watch' ...

 By: AndrewD : December 27th, 2011-17:40
The warm yellow gold always makes occasions seem special. Hope you had something nice on your wrist to liven up the celebrations too. Andrew...