wow 120 ! I think you did just as good, brand that I find very impressive. ! congrats [nt]

Jun 18, 2019,12:14 PM

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Has anyone found any gems like the story bellow?

 By: TCE : June 18th, 2019-08:46
does anyone remember this story. and did it make you head to. your local sweatshop / goodwill? ...  

Read about a long time ago.

 By: Thomas_3 : June 18th, 2019-10:12
Finds like that are out there but few and far between.

My best pull

 By: notdnl : June 18th, 2019-10:20
Not the same caliber as OPs, but... I basically spent summer of 2009 watch hunting. A local retailer had a Valjoux 7750 Daniel Mink diver on display, brand new, for $1200 which was silly money. I hunted that watch all summer, watching it get marked down a...  

Certainly not as great a find as the LeCoultre but...

 By: Emil Wojcik : June 18th, 2019-11:05
...for $120 at a local auction I think this Fortus was well worth it for a beater. Even came with box and papers. ...  

One of the habitués of the seaside dive bar . . .

 By: Dr No : June 18th, 2019-19:24
. . . where we play pool every Wednesday afternoon scored a Speedy Pro at a charity auction several years ago. A ref 145.012, if memory serves correct, with an '80s vintage bracelet. Most of the bidders were women supporting their local charity. $200.


 By: notdnl : June 18th, 2019-13:33
That's a beautiful watch at a steal! I've always loved the B-42 (tool watch!), particularly in this colorway. There's a GMT variant as well. Great pickup!

Thanks. Fortis is an often ignored brand, and although the B42 houses the ubiquitous caliber 7750, it has remained one of the most accurate watches in my collection...

 By: Emil Wojcik : June 18th, 2019-15:51
... gaining only between one and two seconds per day for the past couple years it's been in my possession. The case and bracelet are very well made and although it's a very heavy watch, it's still comfortable.

Well, yes, but not . . .

 By: Dr No : June 18th, 2019-19:54
. . . with a watch. Back in '93, I found a promo copy of Led Zep II at an LA used record store. This was when people were dumping their LPs en masse and replacing them with CDs. The price? $0.10. Yes, 10¢. You couldn't even make a phone call then for a di...  

Great story, Art! [nt]

 By: amanico : June 18th, 2019-22:53

Fantastic story [nt]

 By: Bounce781 : June 19th, 2019-04:52