Qlocktwo - Look Mom, No Hands!
Feb 20, 2012,06:17 AM
A Typographic Clock, the Qlocktwo is unique on the market today.
This is a clock to be read, real whole words if not a sentence. A quick glance will not do the trick.
Look Mom, no hands!

Winner of many design awards world wide a Qlocktwo is now gracing a wall
in my kitchen and makes me smile every morning. The clock is available
in German, English, French, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Danish, Swedish,
Arabic, Swiss German and Spanish. My wife was for getting it in Swiss
German so we learn something, but I was thinking of the early morning,
before-enough-coffee brain state and pleaded for German so I don't need
to think to understand it.

To eliminate all "I'm going to miss the train this morning" anxiety the
Qlocktwo is radio controlled (in US parlance it is an "atomic clock")
taking its signal from DCF77 in Mainflingen Germany which serves all of
Europe . Another nice feature, the luminosity of the LEDs is controlled
and adjusted according to the light in the room so the clock is always
easy to read, but never uncomfortably bright. The front panel is
available in several colors and stainless steel. I chose Lime Green to
mitigate a bit our otherwise red and white kitchen color scheme.
The text indicates the time with a granularity of 5 minutes. The dots
in the corners indicate the minutes following the indicated time so the
final granularity is steps of one minute. It is neat the way the text
slowly dances around the panel, always reading from top to bottom, but
sometimes strewn across the face and at other times all clumped
A final neat thing, the front panel is replacable so if
you get bored with the color or the language you can change it. I'm
thinking about Arabic. It looks so beautiful, but I would need another
clock next to it to tell the time.



This message has been edited by DonCorson on 2012-02-20 06:25:35